کتاب های John Lander

Audrey Hepburn: A Photographic Celebration
Suzanne Lander, 2018
The Wars of the Roses
J.R. Lander, 2009
Lincoln and Darwin: Shared Visions of Race, Science, and Religion
James Lander, 2010
Possessives and Beyond: Semantics and Syntax
Ji-yung Kim, Yury A. Lander, Barbara H. Partee (eds.), 2005
Power Electronics, Third Edition
Cyril W. Lander, 1993
Bibliothek der deutschen Literatur : Bibliographie und Register
Kulturstiftung der Länder (ed.); Axel Frey, 1999
Bibliothek der deutschen Literatur : Zweites Supplement: Bibliographie und Register zur Mikrofiche-Edition
Kulturstiftung der Länder (ed.); Axel Frey, 2005
Blood Matters: Studies in European Literature and Thought, 1400-1700
Bonnie Lander Johnson, 2018
Japanese Homestyle Cooking ; Quick and Delicious Favorites
Susie Donald; Masano Kawana; Adrian Lander, 2015
On the Menu
Nicholas Lander, 2016
El derecho a delirar
Raquel Lander, 2014
Hegemonias e Emancipações no Seculo XXI
Ana Esther Cecena (organizadora) ; Emir Sader ; Jaime Caycedo ; Armando Bartra ; Raúl Ornelas ; José María Gómez ; Edgardo Lander, 2005
Madness, magic, and medicine: The treatment and mistreatment of the mentally ill
Elinor Lander Horwitz, 1977
Aspects of the Grammar of Yagua: A Typological Perspective
Doris Lander Payne, 1987
Sumak Kawsay / Buen Vivir y cambios civilizatorios
Irene León, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Edgardo Lander, Naomi Klein, 2010
Refeudalization and the Crisis of Civilization: Political Essays on Latin America
Olaf Kaltmeier, Edgardo Lander, 2023