کتاب های John Novak

Pogled na prilike radnih slojeva u rimskoj provinciji Dalmaciji
Grga Novak, 1948
The Experience of Nothingness
Michael Novak, 1971
Misère de l'homme sans Dieu
Caroline Julliot, Agathe Novak-Lechevalier, 2022
New Democracy: The Creation of the Modern American State
Novak, William J., 2022
New Democracy: The Creation of the Modern American State
Novak, William J., 2022
Setenta y cinco años de las relaciones diplomáticas entre el Perú y Canadá
Fabián Novak, Jaime García, 2020
Intereses del Perú en la Región Sur
Jorge Brousset, Carlos Gamarra, Fabián Novak, Ernesto Yepes, : Grupo de Estudios Relaciones Perú-Bolivia-Chile del IDEI, 2018
Living Legislation: Durability, Change, and the Politics of American Lawmaking
William J. Novak; Jeffrey E. Cohen; Matthew Eshbaugh-Soha; Sean Gailmard; Christopher R. Berry; Barry C. Burden; William G. Howell; Forrest Maltzman; Charles R. Shipan; Amihai Glazer; David E. Lewis; Stuart Chinn; Vesla M. Weaver; David R. Mayhew; Sidney M. Milkis, 2012
Behind Ghetto Walls: Black Families in a Federal Slum
Michael Novak, 2017
Social Justice Isn't What You Think It Is
Michael Novak; Paul Adams; Elizabeth Shaw, 2015
Choosing Presidents: Symbols of Political Leadership
Michael Novak, 1991
Alaska Veterans
Suellyn Wright Novak Colonel USAF RET, 2021
Game Development Essentials: Game QA & Testing
Luis Levy, Jeannie Novak, 2009
Las relaciones entre el Perú y España, (1821-2000).
Fabián Novak Talavera
Derecho internacional público
Fabián Novak; Luis García-Corrochano Moyano
Political guidelines and approaches of Peruvian foreign policy in the new 21st-century order (on the bicentennial of the MRE)
Fabián Novak, Sandra Namihas, 2022
Technische Mechanik: Aufgaben und Lösungen
Univ.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Peter Lugner, O. Univ.-Prof. Mag. rer. nat. Dr. phil. Kurt Desoyer, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Anton Novak (auth.), 1988
La democracia latinoamericana en crisis. Antimodelos y tendencias autoritarias
Fabián Novak, Sandra Namihas, 2022
La Cura Della Tiroide
Jahn Novak, 2019
Lineamientos y aristas de la política exterior peruana en el nuevo orden del siglo XXI (A propósito del bicentenario del MRE)
Fabián Novak, Sandra Namihas, 2022
Las relaciones entre el Perú y Francia (1827-2004)
Fabián Novak, 2005