کتاب های John P. Perdew

A Primer in Density Functional Theory
John P. Perdew, Stefan Kurth (auth.), Carlos Fiolhais, Fernando Nogueira, Miguel A. L. Marques (eds.), 2003
A Primer in Density Functional Theory
John P. Perdew, Stefan Kurth (auth.), Carlos Fiolhais, Fernando Nogueira, Miguel A. L. Marques (eds.), 2003
A Primer in Density Functional Theory
John P. Perdew, Stefan Kurth (auth.), Carlos Fiolhais, Fernando Nogueira, Miguel A. L. Marques (eds.), 2003
Density functionals for non-relativistic Coulomb systems
Perdew J.P., Kurth S., 2003
Density Functionals for Non-relativistic Coulomb Systems in the New Century
Perdew J.P., Kurth S., 2003
Laura Perdew, 2014
History of Art
Laura Perdew, 2014
Internet Addiction
Laura Perdew, 2014
Understanding Jordan Today
Laura Perdew, 2014
Understanding Lebanon Today
Laura Perdew, 2014
Regulation of Gene Expression: Molecular Mechanisms
Gary H. Perdew PhD, 2007
Regulation of gene expression: molecular mechanisms
Gary H. Perdew, 2006
Regulation of Gene Expression: Molecular Mechanisms
Gary H. Perdew, 2006