کتاب های John P. Pye (auth.)

The People of India
John Forbes Watson; Sir John William Kaye, 1875
The People of India
John Forbes Watson; Sir John William Kaye, 1875
The People of India
John Forbes Watson; Sir John William Kaye, 1875
The People of India
John Forbes Watson; Sir John William Kaye, 1875
The People of India
John Forbes Watson; Sir John William Kaye, 1875
Cómo hacer comprensibles los datos. Parte 2: Una guía para presentar estadísticas
Comisión Económica para Europa de las Naciones Unidas (UNECE), Petteri Baer, Colleen Blessing, Eileen Capponi, Jerôme Cukier, Kerrie Duff, John Flanders, Colleen Flannery, Jessica Gardner, Martine Grenier, Armin Grossenbacher, David Marder, Kenneth Meyer, Terri Mitton, Eric St. John, Thomas Schulz, Anne-Christine Wanders, Martin Lachance, Andrew Mair, Alan Smith, Steven Vale (autores);Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España (INE), (traductor), 2009
Cómo hacer comprensibles los datos. Parte 1: Una guía para escribir sobre números
Comisión Económica para Europa de las Naciones Unidas (UNECE), Colleen Blessing, Vicki Crompton, Dag Ellingsen, Patricia Fearnley, John Flanders, John Kavaliunas, David Marder, Steve Matheson, Kenneth Meyer, Hege Pedersen, Sebastian van den Elshout, Don Weijers, Marianne Zawitz,(autores);Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España (INE), (traductor), 2009
The People of India
John Forbes Watson; Sir John William Kaye, 1875
Comparative Social Administration
John Greve, Barbara N. Rodgers, John S. Morgan, 2017
Modern Permanent Magnets (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials)
John J. Croat (editor), John Ormerod (editor), 2022
QI: The Second Book of General Ignorance (the discreetly plumper edition)
John Lloyd, John Mitchinson, 2012
Walking in Wonder: Eternal Wisdom for a Modern World
John O'Donohue, John Quinn, 2018
The Book of the Dead: Lives of the Justly Famous and the Undeservedly Obscure
John Mitchinson, John Lloyd, 2010
The Facts on the Mormon Church
John Ankerberg, John Weldon, Dillon Burroughs, 2009
The People of India
John Forbes Watson; Sir John William Kaye, 1875
The Book of the Dead: Lives of the Justly Famous and the Undeservedly Obscure
John Mitchinson, John Lloyd, 2010
QI: Advanced Banter
John Lloyd, John Mitchinson, 2008
Nutritional Toxicology Volume 1
John N. Hatchcock, John N. Hathcock, 1982
Some Thoughts About the Evolution of Human Behavior: A Literature Survey
Arthur J. Boucot, John M. Saul, John B. Southard, 2021
The English Works of Wyclif
John Wyclif (John Wycliffe) & F.D. Matthew (ed.), 1880
Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychopharmacology Made Simple
John D. Preston; Mary C. Talaga; John H. O'Neal, 2015
1,234 Quite Interesting Facts to Leave You Speechless
John Mitchinson; John Lloyd; James Harkin
United States History Advanced Placement Edition
John J. Newman, John M. Schmalbach, 2021
The Psychology of Spies and Spying: Trust, Treason, Treachery
Adrian. Taylor Furnham (john.); John Taylor, 2022