کتاب های John Paul Schaefer

Intelligent Computational Optimization in Engineering: Techniques and Applications
Lars Nolle, Mario Köppen, Gerald Schaefer, Ajith Abraham (auth.), Mario Köppen, Gerald Schaefer, Ajith Abraham (eds.), 2011
VDI-Lexikon Energietechnik
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Helmut Schaefer (auth.), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Helmut Schaefer (eds.), 1994
Research techniques in organic chemistry
Robert Brown Bates; John Paul Schaefer, 1971
Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation (Schaefer, Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation)
Christof Schaefer, Paul W.J. Peters, Richard K Miller, 2007
Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation (Schaefer, Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation), 2nd Edition
Christof Schaefer, Paul W.J. Peters, Richard K Miller, 2007
Professional SharePoint 2010 Development
Thomas Rizzo, Reza Alirezaei, Jeff Fried, Paul J Swider, Scot Hillier, Ken Schaefer, 2012
Professional SharePoint 2010 Development
Thomas Rizzo, Reza Alirezaei, Jeff Fried, Paul Swider, Scot Hillier, Kenneth Schaefer, 2012
Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation. Treatment options and risk assessment
Christof Schaefer, Paul Peters
Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation. Treatment options and risk assessment
Christof Schaefer, Paul Peters, 2007
Roadside MBA: back road lessons for entrepreneurs, executives, and small business owners
Mazzeo, Michael; Oyer, Paul Edward; Schaefer, Scott J, 2014
A New Dimension to Quantum Chemistry: Analytic Derivative Methods in Ab Initio Molecular Electronic Structure Theory
Yukio Yamaguchi, John D. Goddard, Yoshihiro Osamura, Henry Schaefer, 1994
A New Dimension to Quantum Chemistry: Analytic Derivative Methods in Ab Initio Molecular Electronic Structure Theory (International Series of Monographs on Chemistry 29)
Yukio Yamaguchi, John D. Goddard, Yoshihiro Osamura, Henry Schaefer III, 1994
The Mysterium (Mage: the Awakening)
Michael Goodwin, Jess Hartley, Peter Schaefer, Malcolm Sheppard, John Snead, 2007
Fotografia. Un corso di base secondo gli insegnamenti di Ansel Adams
John P. Schaefer, 1994
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Technologies for Mastering Change: 5th International Symposium, ISoLA 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 15-18, 2012, Proceedings, Part I
Reiner Hähnle, Ina Schaefer (auth.), Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen (eds.), 2012
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Technologies for Mastering Change: 5th International Symposium, ISoLA 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, October 15-18, 2012, Proceedings, Part I
Reiner Hähnle, Ina Schaefer (auth.), Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen (eds.), 2012
Formal Methods for Executable Software Models: 14th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication, and Software Systems, SFM 2014, Bertinoro, Italy, June 16-20, 2014, Advanced Lectures
Marco Bernardo, Ferruccio Damiani, Reiner Hähnle, Einar Broch Johnsen, Ina Schaefer (eds.), 2014
Formal Methods for Executable Software Models: 14th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication, and Software Systems, SFM 2014, Bertinoro, Italy, June 16-20, 2014, Advanced Lectures
Marco Bernardo, Ferruccio Damiani, Reiner Hähnle, Einar Broch Johnsen, Ina Schaefer (eds.), 2014
Formal Methods for Executable Software Models: 14th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication, and Software Systems, SFM 2014
Marco Bernardo, Ferruccio Damiani, Reiner Haehnle, Einar Broch Johnsen, Ina Schaefer, 2014
David Lewis Schaefer, 2007
Illiberal Justice: John Rawls vs. the American Political Tradition
David Lewis Schaefer, 2007
Animal Behaviour: Evolution and Mechanisms
H. Martin Schaefer (auth.), Peter Kappeler (eds.), 2010
Advanced Accounting
Joe Ben Hoyle, Thomas Schaefer, Timothy Doupnik, 2015
Advances in Geometric Modeling and Processing: 6th International Conference, GMP 2010, Castro Urdiales, Spain, June 16-18, 2010, Proceedings
Bernard Mourrain, Scott Schaefer, Guoliang Xu, 2010