کتاب های John Ren Chen (editor)

Rethinking Moral Status
Steve Clarke (editor), Hazem Zohny (editor), Julian Savulescu (editor), 2021
Ferroelectric Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage
Deepam Maurya (editor), Abhijit Pramanick (editor), Dwight Viehland (editor), 2020
High-k Gate Dielectric Materials: Applications with Advanced Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs)
Niladri Pratap Maity (editor), Reshmi Maity (editor), Srimanta Baishya (editor), 2020
Graphene-Based Terahertz Electronics and Plasmonics: Detector and Emitter Concepts
Vladimir Mitin (editor), Victor Ryzhii (editor), Taiichi Otsuji (editor), 2020
Oxford Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Simon Kay (editor), David McCombe (editor), Daniel Wilks (editor), 2021
International Investment Law and History
Stephan W. Schill (editor), Christian J. Tams (editor), Rainer Hofmann (editor), 2018
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Volume 2 Invited lectures (ICM 2018)
Paulo Ney De Souza (editor); Boyan Sirakov (editor); Marcelo Viana (editor), 2018
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Rio de Janeiro 2018 Volume 3 Invited lectures (ICM 2018)
Paulo Ney De Souza (editor); Boyan Sirakov (editor); Marcelo Viana (editor), 2018
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians Volume 4 Invited lectures (ICM 2018)
Paulo Ney De Souza (editor); Marcelo Viana (editor); Boyan Sirakov (editor), 2018
Re-Interrogating Civil Society in South Asia: Critical Perspectives from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
Peter B. Andersen (editor), Rubya Mehdi (editor), Amit Prakash (editor), 2021
Integration Through Law, Vol 1: Methods, Tools and Institutions, Book 1: A Political, Legal and Economic Overview
Mauro Cappelletti (editor), Monica Seccombe (editor), Joseph H. Weiler (editor), 1985
Integration Through Law, Vol 1: Methods, Tools and Institutions, Book 2: Political Organs, Integration Techniques and Judicial Process
Mauro Cappelletti (editor), Monica Seccombe (editor), Joseph H. Weiler (editor), 1985
Integration Through Law, Vol 1: Methods, Tools and Institutions, Book 3: Forces and Potential for a European Identity
Mauro Cappelletti (editor), Monica Seccombe (editor), Joseph H. Weiler (editor), 1985
Crisis and Renewal in the History of European Political Thought
Cesare Cuttica (editor), László Kontler (editor), Clara Maier(editor), 2021
Arc Schemes and Singularities
David Bourqui (editor), Johannes Nicaise (editor), Julien Sebag (editor), 2020
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Smart Cities
Mohamed Lahby (editor), Utku Kose (editor), Akash Kumar Bhoi (editor), 2021
Geriatrics for Specialists
Andrew G. Lee (editor), Jane F. Potter (editor), G. Michael Harper (editor), 2021
Guide to Complex Interventional Endoscopic Procedures
Cristina Demone (editor); Stephanie Shea (editor); Kelly Esponda (editor), 2021
Vocal Fold Injection
Byung-Joo Lee (editor), Tack-Kyun Kwon (editor), Clark A. Rosen (editor), 2021
Endovascular Tools and Techniques Made Easy
Vikram S. Kashyap (editor), Matthew Janko (editor), Justin A. Smith (editor), 2020
Diagnostic Radiology Physics with MATLAB®: A Problem-Solving Approach
Johan Helmenkamp (editor), Robert Bujila (editor), Gavin Poludniowski (editor), 2020
IoT and Analytics for Sensor Networks: Proceedings of ICWSNUCA 2021 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 244)
Padmalaya Nayak (editor), Souvik Pal (editor), Sheng-Lung Peng (editor), 2021
Political Graffiti in Critical Times: The Aesthetics of Street Politics
Ricardo Campos (editor), Yiannis Zaimakis (editor), Andrea Pavoni (editor), 2021
Crime and Behavior
Sylvia Valenzuela (editor), Paul Kaplan (editor), Stuart Henry (editor), 2013