کتاب های John Richard King (editor)

Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support: 11th International Workshop, ML-CDS 2021, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood (editor), Xiang Li (editor), Anant Madabhushi (editor), Hayit Greenspan (editor), Quanzheng Li (editor), Richard Leahy (editor), Bin Dong (editor), Hongzhi Wang (editor), 2021
Politica. Testo greco a fronte. Libri I-IV
Aristotele, Luciano Canfora (editor), Richard Kraut (editor), Roberto Radice (editor), Tristano Gargiulo (editor), Trevor J. Saunders (editor), Richard Robinson (editor), 2014
Drugs and human behavior : biopsychosocial aspects of psychotropic substances use
Eroy Aparecida da Silva (editor); André Luiz Monezi Andrade (editor); Fernanda Machado Lopes (editor); Richard Alecsander Reichert (editor); Denise De Micheli (editor); Bruno de Oliveira Pinheiro (editor), 2021
Oxford Textbook of Medical Mycology (Oxford Textbooks in Infectious Disease and Microbiology)
Christopher C. Kibbler (editor), Richard Barton (editor), Neil A. R. Gow (editor), Susan Howell (editor), Donna M. MacCallum (editor), Rohini J. Manuel (editor), 2018
„Seelenbeschreibungen“: Eine frühneuzeitliche Quellengattung und ihr konfessions- und bildungsgeschichtlicher Kontext
Heinrich Richard Schmidt (editor); Veronika Albrecht-Birkner (editor); Michael Egger (editor); Stefan Ehrenpreis (editor); Janine Scheurer (editor); Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) (editor), 2022
„Seelenbeschreibungen“: Eine frühneuzeitliche Quellengattung und ihr konfessions- und bildungsgeschichtlicher Kontext
Heinrich Richard Schmidt (editor); Veronika Albrecht-Birkner (editor); Michael Egger (editor); Stefan Ehrenpreis (editor); Janine Scheurer (editor); Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF) (editor), 2022
Psychology of Substance Abuse: Psychotherapy, Clinical Management and Social Intervention
André Luiz Monezi Andrade (editor), Denise De Micheli (editor), Eroy Aparecida da Silva (editor), Fernanda Machado Lopes (editor), Bruno de Oliveira Pinheiro (editor), Richard Alecsander Reichert (editor), 2021
Early Cinema and the "National"
Richard Abel (editor), Giorgio Bertellini (editor), Rob King (editor), 2008
The Atmosphere and Climate of Mars
Robert M. Haberle (editor), R. Todd Clancy (editor), François Forget (editor), Michael D. Smith (editor), Richard W. Zurek (editor), 2017
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Literature
Richard Bradford (editor), Madelena Gonzalez (editor), Stephen Butler (editor), James Ward (editor), Kevin De Ornellas (editor), 2020
Principles of taxation law 2020
Antony Ting (editor); Sunita Jogarajan (editor); Celeste Black (editor); Wes Obst (editor); Richard E. Krever (editor), 2020
Philosophy as Interplay and Dialogue: Viewing landscapes within philosophy of education
Torill Strand (editor), Richard Smith (editor), Anne Pirrie (editor), Zelia Gregoriou (editor), Marianna Papastephanou (editor), 2017
Recent Advances in AI-enabled Automated Medical Diagnosis
Richard Jiang (editor), Danny Crookes (editor), Hua-Liang Wei (editor), Li Zhang (editor), Paul Chazot (editor), 2022
Language Aptitude: Advancing Theory, Testing, Research and Practice
Zhisheng (Edward) Wen (editor), Peter Skehan (editor), Adriana Biedroń (editor), Shaofeng Li (editor), Richard L. Sparks (editor), 2019
Language Aptitude: Advancing Theory, Testing, Research and Practice
Zhisheng (Edward) Wen (editor), Peter Skehan (editor), Adriana Biedroń (editor), Shaofeng Li (editor), Richard L. Sparks (editor), 2019
The Limits of Empire in Ancient Afghanistan: Rule and Resistance in the Hindu Kush, Circa 600 BCE-600 CE
Rhyne King (editor), Richard E Payne (editor), 2020
Global Goes Local: Popular Culture in Asia
Timothy J. Craig (editor), Richard King (editor), 2002
An atlas of gynecologic oncology : investigation and surgery
(National Director of gynecologic oncology) Giuseppe Del Priore (editor); J. Richard Smith (editor); John M. Monaghan (editor); Robert L. Coleman (editor), 2018
Rhinology: Diseases of the Nose, Sinuses, and Skull Base
Peter H. Hwang (editor), David W. Kennedy (editor), Richard Orlandi (editor), Peter John Wormald (editor), 2025
The oration against Leptines, edited with notes
Demosthenes.; John Richard King (editor), 1886
Thinking About Law: Perspectives on the history, philosophy and sociology of law
Rosemary Hunter (editor), Richard Ingleby (editor), Richard Johnstone (editor), 1995/2020
Spinal instrumentation : challenges and solutions
Daniel H. Kim (editor); Alexander R. Vaccaro (editor); Kris Radcliff (editor); Richard G. Fessler (editor), 2018
The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Ritual
Risto Uro (editor), Juliette J. Day (editor), Richard E. DeMaris (editor), Rikard Roitto (editor), 2018
The Russian Civil War, 1918-1921: An Operational-Strategic Sketch of the Red Army's Combat Operations
Richard W. Harrison (translator), A. S. Bubnov (editor), R. P. Eideman (editor), S. S. Kamenev (editor), M. N. Tukhachevskii (editor), 2020