کتاب های John Russell Brown

Better Bones, Better Body : Beyond Estrogen and Calcium
Susan Brown, Susan E. Brown PhD, Russell Jaffe MD, 2000
William Shakespeare: Writing for Performance
John Russell Brown (auth.), 1996
Discovering Shakespeare: A New Guide to the Plays
John Russell Brown (auth.), 1981
Shakespeare and the Theatrical Event
John Russell Brown, 2002
Shakespeare Dancing: A Theatrical Study of the Plays
John Russell Brown, 2005
Shakespeare Dancing: A Theatrical Study of the Plays
John Russell Brown (auth.), 2005
Shakespeare and the Theatrical Event
John Russell Brown (auth.), 2002
Designers’ Shakespeare
John Russell Brown, Stephen Di Benedetto, 2016
The Routledge Companion to Actors' Shakespeare
John Russell Brown, 2012
Enterprise Java Programming with IBM WebSphere
Kyle Brown, Gary Craig, Greg Hester, David Pitt, Russell Stinehour, Mark Weitzel, Jim Amsden, Peter M. Jakab, Daniel Berg, 2003
Enterprise Java Programming with IBM WebSphere
Kyle Brown, Gary Craig, Greg Hester, David Pitt, Russell Stinehour, Mark Weitzel, Jim Amsden, Peter M. Jakab, Daniel Berg, 2003
Joe Grand's best of hardware, wireless & game console hacking
Joe Grand, Lee Barken, Marcus R. Brown, Frank Thornton, Job de Haas, Jonathan S. Harbour, Deborah Kaplan, Bobby Kinstle, Tom Owad, Ryan Russell, Albert Yarusso, 2006
Design of Reinforced Concrete
Jack C. McCormac, Russell H. Brown, 2013
Beyond Malthus: nineteen dimensions of the population challenge
Lester Russell Brown, 1999
Race and Crime: An Annotated Bibliography (Bibliographies and Indexes in Ethnic Studies)
Katheryn K. Russell-Brown, 2000
Diseño de concreto reforzado
McCormac, Jack C.; Russell H Brown, 2011
Design of Reinforced Concrete
Jack C. McCormac, Russell H. Brown, 2013
Well Seasoned
Russell Brown; Jonathan Haley, 2018
Who Will Feed China? Wake-Up Call for a Small Planet
Lester Russell Brown, 1995
Criminal Law
Katheryn Russell-Brown & Angela J. Davis
Design of reinforced concrete
Jack C. McCormac, Clemson University, Russell H. Brown, Clemson University., 2015
Diseño de concreto reforzado : edición 318-14 del Códico ACI
Jack C. McCormac; Russell Henry Brown; José de la Cera Alonso, 2018
Design of Reinforced Concrete ACI 318-11 Code Edition, 9 edition
Jack C. McCormac, Russell H. Brown, 2013