کتاب های John S. Major

Firewater and forked tongues : a Sioux chief interprets U.S. history
Major Israel McCreight, 2017
Netter's Correlative Imaging: Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Nancy M. Major, Ph.D. Malinzak, Michael D., M.D., 2011
Fundamentals of Body Ct (3rd Edition)
W. Richard Webb MD, Wiliam E. Brant MDFACR, Nancy M. Major MD, 2005
Luftwaffe Maritime Operations In World War II: Thought, Organization And Technology
Major Winston A. Gould, 2014
Ensaios Fundamentais dos Solos para Construção
Major George E. Bertram, 1969
A Voice From Waterloo – A History Of The Battle Fought On The 18th June 1815
Sergeant-Major Edward Cotton, 2011
Mulberry-American: The Artificial Harbor At Omaha
Major Brett Peters, 2015
Some Principles of Frontier Mountain Warfare
Major-General Sir Wilkinson Dent Bird, 2021
Airborne Deep Operational Maneuver
Major Danny M. Davis, 2014
NATO’s 2030 Refl ection Process and the New Strategic Concept : Views from Berlin, London, Oslo, and Washington
Rachel Ellehuus, Robin Allers, Johannes Gullestad Rø, Paul O’Neill, Christian Mölling, Claudia Major, 2022
1956 Suez Crisis And The United Nations
Major Jean-Marc Pierre, 2014
Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal: History of U. S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II, Volume I
USMCR, Lieutenant Colonel Frank O. Hough, USMC, Major Verle E. Ludwig, Jr., Henry I. Shaw, 2013
A Georgian Heroine: The Intriguing Life of Rachel Charlotte Williams Biggs
Joanne Major; Sarah Murden
Airpower Employment Of The Fifth Air Force In The World War II Southwest Pacific Theater
Major James A. Barr, 2014
Air Superiority Battle In The Middle East, 1967-1973
Major Clarence E. Olschner III, 2014
On the Estimation of Multiple Random Integrals and U-Statistics
Peter Major, 2013
Command Crisis: Influence Of Command Culture On The Allied Defeat At Suvla Bay
Major Stuart J. Archer, 2015
The Voyages of the Venetian Brothers, Nicolò and Antonio Zeno, to the Northern Seas in the XIVth Century
Richard Henry Major, 2010
Eighth Air Force Bombing 20-25 February 1944: How Logistics Enabled Big Week To Be Big
Major Jon M. Sutterfield USAF, 2015
The Yankees are Coming! The Yankees are Coming!
Major Jeffrey M. Dunn USMC, 2015
Bush War: The Use of Surrogates in Southern Africa (1975-1989)
Major Joseph E. Escandon U.S. Army, 2015
British Intelligence Operations As They Relate To Britain's Defeat At Yorktown, 1781
Major Scott E. Conley, 2014
British Infantry In The Falklands Conflict: Lessons Of The Light Infantry In 1982
Major Andrew M. Pullan, 2014