کتاب های John V. A. Fine Jr.

Drilling For Gold: How Corporations Can Successfully Market to Small Businesses
JohnWarrillow John Warrillow, 2002
Reinventing Schools, Reforming Teaching: From Political Visions to Classroom Reality
John Bangs, John MacBeath, 2011
The Mother At Home; Or, The Principles Of Maternal Duty Familiarly Illustrated
John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot) Abbott, 2010
No Exit & the Flies
PH. D. W. John John Campbell, 1983
Programming the BBC Micro
John D. Ferguson, John Gordon, Louie Macari, 1983
Perl Power!: The Comprehensive Guide
Ph.D.John P(John P. FlyntPh.D.) Flynt, 2006
Common Symptom Answer Guide
John H Wasson Timothy B. Walsh Mary C. LaBrecque Harold C. Sox Robert Pantell Ivan Oransky John Wass, 2004
Java for COBOL programmers
John C.(John C. Byrne) Byrne, 2009
Beyond Reality: A Guide to Alternate Reality Gaming
John W.(John Gosney) Gosney, 2005
Blogs and Bullets: New Media in Contentious Politics
Sean Aday, Henry Farrell, Marc Lynch, John Sides, John Kelly,
The new business road test : what entrepreneurs and executives should do before writing a business plan
John W Mullins (John Walker), 2010
Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine
Robert C Ward Raymond J Hruby John A Jerome John M Jones Robert E Kappler, 2002
Earth Science Satellite Remote Sensing
John J. Qu, John J. Qu, 2007
Quo Vadis, Graph Theory?A Source Book for Challenges and Directions
John Gimbel, John W. Kennedy, 1993
Quo Vadis, Graph Theory?A Source Book for Challenges and Directions
John Gimbel, John W. Kennedy, 1993
Head and Neck Cancer. Emerging Perspectives
John F. Ensley, J. Silvio Gutkind, John R. Jacobs, 2003
Status Enhancement and Fertility. Reproductive Responses to Social Mobility and Educational Opportunity
John D. Kasarda, John O. G. Billy, Kirsten West, 1986
Petroleum-Derived Carbons
John D. Bacha, John W. Newman,, 1986
Longitudinal Data Analysis using Structural Equation Models
John J. McArdle, John R. Nesselroade, 2014
Parliament in the twenty-first century : institutional reform and emerging roles
Halligan, John; Miller, Robin; Power, John Marcus, 2007
Social Robotics: 8th International Conference, ICSR 2016, Kansas City, MO, USA, November 1-3, 2016 Proceedings
Arvin Agah, John-John Cabibihan, Ayanna M. Howard, Miguel A. Salichs, Hongsheng He (eds.), 2016
The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, Vol. 15: Apostles and Bishops in Early Christianity
Hugh Nibley, John F. Hall, John W. Welch, 2016
Advances in Taxation
John Hasseldine, John Hasseldine, 2016
Basic Experimental Strategies and Data Analysis for Science and Engineering
John Lawson, John Erjavec, 2017