کتاب های John W. Watt (transl.)

Eyrbyggja Saga
Hermann Pálsson, Paul Edwards (transl.), 1989
The Song of Roland
Glyn S. Burgess (transl.), 1990
Lancelot: The Knight of the Cart
Chrétien de Troyes, Deborah Webster Rogers (transl.), 1984
Ywain: The Knight of the Lion
Chrétien de Troyes, Robert W. Ackerman, Frederick W. Locke (transl.), 1957
Yvain; or, The Knight with the Lion
Chrétien de Troyes, Ruth Harwood Cline (transl.), 1975
Arthurian Romances
Chrétien de Troyes, Douglas D. R. Owen (transl.), 1987
Arthurian Romances
Chrétien de Troyes, William W. Kibler, Carleton W. Carroll (transl.), 1991
Independence in Central America and Chiapas, 1770-1823
Aaron Pollack; Nancy T. Hancock (transl.), 2019
Humboldt and the Modern German University: An Intellectual History
Johan Östling, Lena Olsson (transl), 2018
The Hypatian Codex. Part 2. The Galicia-Volynian Chronicle: An Annotated Translation
Dionisiy Pavlovich? George A. Perfecky (transl.), 1292, 1973
Sources for the History of the School of Nisibis
Simeon of Bēt Arsham, Barhadbeshabbā, Adam H. Becker (transl.), 2008
Three Political Voices from the Age of Justinian: Agapetus, "Advice to the Emperor"; "Dialogue on Political Science"; Paul the Silentiary, "Description of Hagia Sophia"
Agapetus, Paul the Silentiary, Peter N. Bell (transl.), 2009
The Breviarium ab Urbe Condita
Eutropius, Harold W. Bird (transl.), 2011
Selected Letters of Libanius from the Age of Constantius and Julian
Libanius, Libanios, Scott Bradbury (transl.), 2004
History and Hagiography from the Late Antique Sinai
Daniel F. Caner, Sebastian Brock, Richard M. Price, Kevin van Bladel (transl.), 2010
On the Pythagorean Life
Iamblichus of Chalcis, Iamblichos, Gillian Clark (transl.), 1989
Between City and School: Selected Orations of Libanius
Libanius, Libanios, Raffaella Cribiore (transl.), 2015
Four Byzantine Novels: Theodore Prodromos, "Rhodanthe and Dosikles"; Eumathios Makrembolites, "Hysmine and Hysminias"; Constantine Manasses, "Aristandros and Kallithea"; Niketas Eugenianos, "Drosilla and Charikles"
Theodore Prodromos, Eumathios Makrembolites, Constantine Manasses, Niketas Eugenianos, Elizabeth Jeffreys (transl.), 2012
Seven Books of History against the Pagans
Paulus Orosius, Andrew T. Fear (transl.), 2010
Personal and Political Poems
Venantius Fortunatus, Judith George (transl.), 1995
Ruricius of Limoges and Friends: A Collection of Letters from Visigothic Gaul
Ralph W. Mathisen (transl.), 2011
On the Nature of Things
Isidore of Seville, Isidorus Hispalensis, Calvin B. Kendall, Faith Wallis (transl.), 2016
"On the Nature of Things" and "On Times"
Bede, Beda Venerabilis, Calvin B. Kendall, Faith Wallis (transl.), 2010