کتاب های John Webb (eds.)

The Cambridge Foucault Lexicon
Leonard Lawlor, John Nale (eds.), 2014
Saints’ Cults in the Celtic World
Steve Boardman, John Reuben Davies, Eila Williamson (eds.), 2009
The Cambridge companion to recorded music
Nicholas Cook, Eric Clarke, Daniel Leech-Wilkinson, John Rink (eds.), 2009
The Cambridge companion to pop and rock
Frith, Simon; Street, John; Straw, Will (eds.), 2001
Tacitus and the Tacitean Tradition
Torrey James Luce, Anthony John Woodman (eds.), 1993
"The Making of Europe": Essays in Honour of Robert Bartlett
John Hudson, Sally Crumplin (eds.), 2016
The Crusades and Their Sources: Essays Presented to Bernard Hamilton
John France, William G. Zajac (eds.), 2016
Strategy beyond markets
John M. de Figueiredo, Michael Lenox, Felix Oberholzer-Gee, Richard G. Vanden Bergh (Eds.), 2016
Global Capital, National State and the Politics of Money
Werner Bonefeld; John Holloway (Eds.), 1995
Archaeology and Urban Settlement in Late Roman and Byzantine Anatolia: Euchaïta-Avkat-Beyözü and its Environment
john Haldon ; Hugh elton; James Newhard (Eds.), 2018
A New History of Ireland, Volume IX: Maps, Genealogies, Lists. A Companion to Irish History, Part II
Moody, Theodore William; Martin, Francis X.; Byrne, Francis John (eds.), 2011
Reciprocity and redistribution in Andean civilizations (Transcript of the Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures at the University of Rochester April 8th – 17th, 1969)
John V Murra, (auth.); Freda Yancy Wolf; Heather Lechtman, (eds.), 2020
Wish You Were(n't) Here? in Travel Worlds: Journeys in Contemporary Cultural Politics
Sean McLoughlin and Virinder S. Kalra (eds. Raminder Kaur and John Hutnyk), 1999
The Oxford Handbook of Charles Dickens
John Jordan, Robert L. Patten, Catherine Waters (eds), 2018
The World of Bereavement: Cultural Perspectives on Death in Families
Joanne Cacciatore, John DeFrain (eds.), 2015
John A. Joule (eds.), 2015
Bergson and the Art of Immanence: Painting, Photography, Film
John Mullarkey, Charlotte de Mille (Eds.), 2013
Principles and Practice of Clinical Research
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage : Neurological Care and Protection
Robert D. Martin, Warren Boling, Gang Chen, John H. Zhang (eds.), 2020
Characterization of Biological Membranes
Mu-Ping Nieh, Frederick A. Heberle, John Katsaras (Eds.), 2019
Text and Context: Yucatec Maya Literature in a Diachronic Perspective / Texto y Contexto: la Literatura Maya Yucateca en Perspectiva Diacrónica
Antje Gunsenheimer, Tsubasa Okoshi Harada, John F. Chuchiak (eds.), 2009
Oxygen in the Solar System
Glenn J MacPherson, David W Mittlefehlt, John H Jones, Steven B Simon, Eds., 2008
Stable Isotopes in High Temperature Geological Processes
John W Valley, Hugh P Taylor Jr, James R O'Neil, Eds., 1986
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
John W Valley, David R Cole, Eds., 2001