کتاب های Jon Elster

Making Sense of Marx (Studies in Marxism and Social Theory)
Jon Elster, 1985
Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences
Jon Elster, 1989
Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences
Jon Elster, 1989
Political Psychology
Jon Elster, 1993
The Multiple Self
Jon Elster, 1987
The Multiple Self (Studies in Rationality and Social Change)
Jon Elster (Editor), 1987
Marx Hoje
Jon Elster, 1989
Rational Choice (Readings in Social & Political Theory)
Jon Elster (Editor), 1986
Reason and Rationality
Jon Elster, 2008
Reason and Rationality
Jon Elster, 2008
Reason and Rationality
Jon Elster, 2008
Retribution and Reparation in the Transition to Democracy
Jon Elster, 2006
Retribution and Reparation in the Transition to Democracy
Jon Elster, 2006
Securities against Misrule: Juries, Assemblies, Elections
Jon Elster, 2013
Solomonic Judgements: Studies in the Limitation of Rationality
Jon Elster, 1989
Sour Grapes: Studies in the Subversion of Rationality
Jon Elster, 1985
Strong Feelings: Emotion, Addiction, and Human Behavior
Jon Elster, 2000
Strong Feelings: Emotion, Addiction, and Human Behavior
Jon Elster, 1999