کتاب های Jon Hughes (auth.)

Cooking the Austrian Way (Easy Menu Ethnic Cookbooks)
Helga Hughes, 2004
Children with High-Functioning Autism: A Parent's Guide
Claire Hughes Ph.D., 2010
Distilled Spirits: New Horizons: Energy, Environment and Enlightenment
P. S. Hughes, 2010
Palgrave Advances in Modern Military History
Matthew Hughes, 2006
Muon Physics. Volume 3: Chemistry and Solids
Vernon Hughes (Eds.), 1975
Disseminating Qualitative Research in Educational Settings
Christina Hughes, 2003
Autobiography: I Wonder as I Wander
Langston Hughes &
Autobiography: The Big Sea
Langston Hughes &
Achieving Industrialization in East Asia
Helen Hughes, 1988
Deleuze and the genesis of representation
Hughes, Joe, 2008
An Environmental History of the World: Humankind's Changing Role in the Community of Life
J. Donald Hughes, 2001
Link Arms with Toads!
Rhys Hughes, 2011
Current issues in school leadership
Larry W. Hughes, 2005