کتاب های Jon Pierre

Afrique subsaharienne, un continent d’histoires
Pierre Alexandre, Jean-Pierre Bat, Guillaume Blanc, Jean-Renaud Boisserie, François Bon, Jean-Pierre Chrétien, Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, Marie-Laure Derat, François-Xavier Fauvelle, Jean Fremigacci, Iwona Gajda, Philippe Haudrère, Bertrand Hirsch, Pierre Kipré, Elikia M’Bokolo, Marc Michel, Bernard Nantet, Pap Ndiaye, Michel Pierre, Yann Potin, Estelle Sohier, 2021
Nouragues: Dynamics and Plant-Animal Interactions in a Neotropical Rainforest
Pierre Charles-Dominique (auth.), Frans Bongers, Pierre Charles-Dominique, Pierre-Michel Forget, Marc Théry (eds.), 2001
PETROLEUM REFINING V.3: Conversion Processes
Favennec, Jean-Pierre; Trambouze, Pierre; Wauquier, Jean-Pierre
Partnerships in Urban Governance: European and American Experiences
Jon Pierre (eds.), 1998
A visual introduction to differential forms and calculus on manifolds
Fortney, Jon Pierre, 2019
The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration
B. Guy Peters (editor), Jon Pierre (editor), 2012
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science: An Example-Based Introduction
Jon Pierre Fortney, 2020
Handbook of Public Policy
B. Guy Peters (ed.), Jon Pierre (ed.), 2006
Administrative Reforms and Democratic Governance
Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans; Jon Pierre, 2009
Gene avatars: the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution
Pierre-Henri Gouyon, Jean-Pierre Henry, Jacques Arnould, 2002
Algebre Locale, Multiplicites. Cours au College de France, 1957 - 1958
Jean-Pierre Serre, Pierre Gabriel, 2002
Algèbre locale, multiplicités
Jean-Pierre Serre, Pierre Gabriel, 1975
A Renormalization Group Analysis of the Hierarchical Model in Statistical Mechanics
Pierre Collet, Jean-Pierre Eckmann (auth.), 1978
Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography: Third International Workshop, FDTC 2006, Yokohama, Japan, October 10, 2006. Proceedings
Shay Gueron, Jean-Pierre Seifert (auth.), Luca Breveglieri, Israel Koren, David Naccache, Jean-Pierre Seifert (eds.), 2006
Artificial Evolution: 6th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA 2003, Marseilles, France, October 27-30, 2003, Revised Selected Papers
Michael Defoin Platel, Sebastien Verel, Manuel Clergue, Philippe Collard (auth.), Pierre Liardet, Pierre Collet, Cyril Fonlupt, Evelyne Lutton, Marc Schoenauer (eds.), 2004
Concepts and results in chaotic dynamics: a short course
Pierre Collet, Jean-Pierre Eckmann, 2006
Concepts and Results in Chaotic Dynamics: A Short Course
Pierre Collet, Jean-Pierre Eckmann, 2006
Concepts and Results in Chaotic Dynamics: A Short Course
Pierre Collet, Jean-Pierre Eckmann, 2006
From Reaction to Cognition: 5th European Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World, MAAMAW '93 Neuchâtel, Switzerland, August 25–27, 1993 Selected Papers
Cristiano Castelfranchi, Jean -Pierre Müller (auth.), Cristiano Castelfranchi, Jean-Pierre Müller (eds.), 1995
A Billion Trips a Day: Tradition and Transition in European Travel Patterns
Ilan Salomon, Piet Bovy, Jean-Pierre Orfeuil (auth.), Ilan Salomon, Piet Bovy, Jean-Pierre Orfeuil (eds.), 1993
FinFETs and Other Multi-Gate Transistors
Jean-Pierre Colinge (auth.), Jean-Pierre Colinge (eds.), 2008
Modeling and Computational Methods for Kinetic Equations
Pierre Degond (auth.), Pierre Degond, Lorenzo Pareschi, Giovanni Russo (eds.), 2004
The Expanding Cell
Jean-Pierre Verbelen, Kris Vissenberg (auth.), Jean-Pierre Verbelen, Kris Vissenberg (eds.), 2007
From Non-Covalent Assemblies to Molecular Machines
Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Pierre Gaspard, Editors, 2010