کتاب های Jonathan Lewis

Expert Oracle Practices: Oracle Database Administration from the Oak Table
Melanie Caffrey, Pete Finnigan, Randolf Geist, Alex Gorbachev, Tim Gorman, Connie Green, Charles Hooper, Jonathan Lewis, Niall Litchfield, Karen Morton, Robyn Sands, Joe Seneganik, Uri Shaft, Riyaj Shamsudeen, Jeremiah Wilton, 2010
Convex analysis and nonlinear optimization: Theory and examples
Jonathan M. Borwein, Adrian S. Lewis, 2006
Convex analysis and nonlinear optimization: Theory and examples
Jonathan M. Borwein, Adrian S. Lewis, 2006
Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management: Using AI to Facilitate Organizational Development
Sarah Lewis, Jonathan Passmore, Stefan Cantore, 2008
Cost-Based Oracle Fundamentals
Jonathan Lewis, 2005
Cost-Based Oracle Fundamentals (Expert's Voice in Oracle)
Jonathan Lewis, 1980
Cost-Based Oracle Fundamentals (Expert's Voice in Oracle)
Jonathan Lewis, 2005
Step-Up to USMLE Step 2 CK
Jonathan P. Van Kleunen,Brian Jenkins, Michael Mcinnis, Chris Lewis, 2013
Expert Oracle Practices: Oracle Database Administration from the
Pete Finnigan, Alex Gorbachev, Randolf Geist, Tim Gorman, Connie Green, Charles Hooper, Jonathan Lewis, Niall Litchfield, Karen Morton, Robyn Sands, Joze Senegacnik, Uri Shaft, Riyaj Shamsudeen, Jeremiah Wilton, Graham Wood, 2010
Expert Oracle Practices: Oracle Database Administration from the Oak Table
Pete Finnigan, Alex Gorbachev, Randolf Geist, Tim Gorman, Connie Green, Charles Hooper, Jonathan Lewis, Niall Litchfield, Karen Morton, Robyn Sands, Joze Senegacnik, Uri Shaft, Riyaj Shamsudeen, Jeremiah Wilton, Graham Wood, 2010
Expert Oracle Practices: Oracle Database Administration from the Oak Table
Melanie Caffrey, Pete Finnigan, Randolf Geist, Alex Gorbachev, Tim Gorman, Connie Green, Charles Hooper, Jonathan Lewis, Niall Litchfield, Karen Morton, Robyn Sands, Jože Senegačnik, Uri Shaft, Riyaj Shamsudeen, Jeremiah Wilton, Graham Wood (auth.), 2010
Oracle Insights: Tales of the Oak Table
Mogens Nørgaard, James Morle, Dave Ensor, Tim Gorman, Kyle Hailey, Anjo Kolk, Jonathan Lewis, Connor McDonald, Cary Millsap, David Ruthven, Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha (auth.), 2004
Cost-Based Oracle Fundamentals
Jonathan Lewis (auth.), 2006
Cost-Based Oracle Fundamentals
Jonathan Lewis, 2005
Oracle Core: Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers
Jonathan Lewis, 2011
Oracle Core: Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers
Jonathan Lewis, 2011
Oracle Core: Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers
Jonathan Lewis, 2011
Spy Capitalism: ITEK and the CIA
Professor Jonathan E. Lewis, 2002
Aromatic Interactions Frontiers in Knowledge and Application
Darren W Johnson, Fraser Hof, Philip Gale, Jonathan Steed, Shimizu Ken, Michael Lewis, Pablo Ballester Balaguer, Ed Tiekink, Steven Wheeler, Felix Fischer, Waters Marcey, Urbach Adam, 2016
Introdução à engenharia mecânica
Jonathan Wickert , Kemper Lewis, 2016
An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
Jonathan Wickert; Kemper Lewis, 2016
The 10 Best Books to Read for Easter: Selections to Inspire, Educate, & Provoke: Excerpts from new and classic titles by bestselling authors in the field, with an Introduction by James Martin, SJ.
James Martin; C.S. Lewis; N.T. Wright; Desmond Tutu; Mpho Tutu; Catherine Wolff; Ann Patchett; Candida R. Moss; John Dominic Crossan; Thomas H. Groome; Jonathan Morris, 2013
Reflections of a Cold Warrior: From Yalta To The Bay Of Pigs
Richard M. Bissell Jr.; Jonathan E. Lewis; Frances T. Pudlo, 1996
50 Obras Maestras Que Debes Leer Antes De Morir: Vol. 1 (Spanish Edition)
Miguel Cervantes, Sun Tzu, Santa Teresa de Jesús, Miguel De Unamuno, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Edgar Allan Poe, Honoré de Balzac, Anonimo, Charles Dickens, Alexandre Dumas, Arthur Conan Doyle, León Tolstoi, Aristóteles, Niccolò Machiavelli, René Descartes, Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift, Rey Babilonia de Hammurabi, Voltaire, George Sand, Nikolai Gogol, Alejandro Dumas, Herman Melville, Charles Baudelaire, Charles Darwin, Lewis Carroll, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, José Alcalá Galiano, Julio Verne, Jules Verne, 2019