کتاب های Jordan Hristov

Alternative energy sources for green chemistry
Georgios Stefanidis, Georgios Stefanidis, Andrzej Stankiewicz, Andrzej Stankiewicz, Andrzej Stankiewicz, James H Clark, Antonio De La Hoz, Jiajun Fan, Rafael Mato Chain, V Hessel, Jorge Gascon, Tom Van Gerven, Jordan Hristov, Faical Larachi, P Gogate, Kamelia Boodhoo, Juray De Wilde, 2016
Design of Embedded Robust Control Systems Using MATLAB®/Simulink®
Petko Hristov Petkov; Tsonyo Nikolaev Slavov; Jordan Konstantinov Kralev, 2018
Heat Conduction: Methods, Applications and Research
Jordan Hristov, Rachid Bennacer, 2019