کتاب های Joseph Fong (auth.)
درباره نویسنده

Hybrid Learning and Education: Second International Conference, ICHL 2009, Macau, China, August 25-27, 2009. Proceedings
Neil Y. Yen, Timothy K. Shih, Louis R. Chao (auth.), Fu Lee Wang, Joseph Fong, Liming Zhang, Victor S. K. Lee (eds.), 2009
Hybrid Learning and Education: Second International Conference, ICHL 2009, Macau, China, August 25-27, 2009. Proceedings
Neil Y. Yen, Timothy K. Shih, Louis R. Chao (auth.), Fu Lee Wang, Joseph Fong, Liming Zhang, Victor S. K. Lee (eds.), 2009
Hybrid Learning and Education: Second International Conference, ICHL 2009, Macau, China, August 25-27, 2009. Proceedings
Neil Y. Yen, Timothy K. Shih, Louis R. Chao (auth.), Fu Lee Wang, Joseph Fong, Liming Zhang, Victor S. K. Lee (eds.), 2009
Hybrid Learning and Education: Second International Conference, ICHL 2009, Macau, China, August 25-27, 2009. Proceedings
Neil Y. Yen, Timothy K. Shih, Louis R. Chao (auth.), Fu Lee Wang, Joseph Fong, Liming Zhang, Victor S. K. Lee (eds.), 2009
Advances in Web-Based Learning: First International Conference, ICWL 2002 Hong Kong, China, August 17–19, 2002 Proceedings
Shi-Kuo Chang (auth.), Joseph Fong, Chu Ting Cheung, Hong Va Leong, Qing Li (eds.), 2002
Advances in Blended Learning: Second Workshop on Blended Learning, WBL 2008, Jinhua, China, Augustl 20-22, 2008. Revised Selected Papers
Joseph Fong (auth.), Elvis Wai Chung Leung, Fu Lee Wang, Langfang Miao, Jianmin Zhao, Jifeng He (eds.), 2008
Advances in Blended Learning: Second Workshop on Blended Learning, WBL 2008, Jinhua, China, Augustl 20-22, 2008. Revised Selected Papers
Joseph Fong (auth.), Elvis Wai Chung Leung, Fu Lee Wang, Langfang Miao, Jianmin Zhao, Jifeng He (eds.), 2008
Information Systems Reengineering and Integration
Joseph F. P. Fong (auth.), 2006
Information Systems Reengineering, Integration and Normalization
Joseph Shi Piu Fong (auth.), 2015
Hybrid Learning: Innovation in Educational Practices: 8th International Conference, ICHL 2015, Wuhan, China, July 27-29, 2015, Proceedings
Simon K.S. Cheung, Lam-for Kwok, Harrison Yang, Joseph Fong, Reggie Kwan (eds.), 2015
Information Systems Reengineering and Integration
Joseph Fong, 2001
Information systems reengineering and integration
Joseph Fong, 2006
Information systems reengineering and integration
Joseph Fong, 2006
Cardiac Cell and Gene Transfer: Principles, Protocols, and Applications
Faris P. Albayya, Joseph M. Metzger (auth.), Joseph M. Metzger (eds.), 2003
Cardiac Cell and Gene Transfer: Principles, Protocols, and Applications
Faris P. Albayya, Joseph M. Metzger (auth.), Joseph M. Metzger (eds.), 2003
Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing: 5th International Workshop, AP2PC 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 9, 2006, Revised and Invited Papers
Ben Tse, Raman Paranjape, Samuel R. H. Joseph (auth.), Sam Joseph, Zoran Despotovic, Gianluca Moro, Sonia Bergamaschi (eds.), 2008
Handbook of Drug-Nutrient Interactions
Joseph I. Boullata PHARMD, BCNSP (auth.), Joseph I. Boullata, Vincent T. Armenti (eds.), 2010
Agricultural Biodiversity and Biotechnology in Economic Development
Joseph C. Cooper, Leslie Lipper, David Zilberman (auth.), Joseph Cooper, Leslie Marie Lipper, David Zilberman (eds.), 2005
A Guide to Computer Network Security
Joseph Migga Kizza (auth.), Joseph Migga Kizza (eds.), 2009
A Guide to Computer Network Security
Joseph Migga Kizza (auth.), Joseph Migga Kizza (eds.), 2009
Astrostatistical Challenges for the New Astronomy
Joseph M. Hilbe (auth.), Joseph M. Hilbe (eds.), 2013
Limnology and Aquatic Birds: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference Working Group on Aquatic Birds of Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL), Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada, August 3–7, 2003
Joseph Kerekes (auth.), Alan R. Hanson, Joseph J. Kerekes (eds.), 2006
Modeling, Mesh Generation, and Adaptive Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Robert E. Barnhill, Gerald Farin, Bernd Hamann (auth.), Ivo Babuska, William D. Henshaw, Joseph E. Oliger, Joseph E. Flaherty, John E. Hopcroft, Tayfun Tezduyar (eds.), 1995