کتاب های Joseph Rein (editor)

Computer Fraud Casebook: The Bytes That Bite
Joseph T. Wells (editor), 2008
Pikachu's Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon
Joseph Tobin (editor), 2004
The Wisdom of Joseph Murphy
Dr. Joseph Murphy (editor), 2020
Lettera ai Romani. Commentario critico-teologico
Joseph A. Fitzmyer, Antonio Pitta (editor), 1999
Joseph Brodsky: Conversations
Joseph Brodsky, Cynthia L. Haven (editor), 2003
How to Attract Money
Murphy, Joseph,, Editors, GP, (editor), 2019
World geography
Joseph M. Castagno (editor), 2020
World geography Asia
Joseph M. Castagno (editor), 2020
World geography Europe
Joseph M. Castagno (editor), 2020
World geography. Australia, Antarctica and Pacific Islands
Joseph M. Castagno (editor), 2020
World geography North America & the Caribbean
Joseph M. Castagno (editor), 2020
D-Day General: How Dutch Cota Saved Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944
Noel Mehlo, Joseph Balkoski, John Raaen Jr. (editor), 2021
Rare-Earth Element Biochemistry: Methanol Dehydrogenases and Lanthanide Biology
Joseph A. Cotruvo Jr. (editor), 2021
The Spiritual Legacy of the American Indian: Commemorative Edition with Letters while Living with Black Elk
Joseph Epes Brown, Michael Oren Fitzgerald (editor), 2007
Policies and Politics in Malaysian Education: Education Reforms, Nationalism and Neoliberalism
Cynthia Joseph (editor), 2017
The Routledge International Handbook of Rural Criminology
Joseph F Donnermeyer (editor), 2016
Electroporation in Veterinary Oncology Practice: Electrochemotherapy and Gene Electrotransfer for Immunotherapy
Joseph A. Impellizeri (editor), 2021
British Imperialism and Globalization, c. 1650-1960: Essays in Honour of Patrick O'Brien
Joseph E. Inikori (editor), 2022
Comprehensive Glycoscience: From Chemistry to Systems Biology
Joseph Barchi (editor), 2021
Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum, Sachwörterbuch zur Auseinandersetzung des Christentums mit der Antiken Weld. Band XV, Hibernia-Hoffnung
Leopold Wenger; Jan Handrik Waszink; Franz Joseph Dolger; Hans Lietzmann; Theodor Klauser (editor), 1991
The Syriac Bible According to the Mosul Edition, Volume 1 (OT I)
Clemens Joseph David (editor), 2010
Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization
Heinrich Zimmer, Joseph Campbell (editor), 1946
Social Theory: A Reader
Jonathan Joseph (editor), 2005
The Word and the Spiritual Realities (the I and the Thou): Pneumatological Fragments
Ferdinand Ebner (author), Harold J. Green (Translated by) & Joseph R. Chapel (editor), 2021