کتاب های Judith Rees

Sopa de Wuhan
Giorgio Agamben, Slavoj Zizek, Jean Luc Nancy, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Santiago López Petit, Judith Butler, Alain Badiou, David Harvey, Byung-Chul Han, Raúl Zibechi, María Galindo, Markus Gabriel, Gustavo Yañez González, Patricia Manrique y Paul B. Preciado, 2020
Dakini's Warm Breath
Simmer-Brown, Judith, 2002
Plant Tribe: Living Happily Ever After with Plants
Igor Josifovic; Judith De Graaff, 2020
Nature of Biology 1 VCE Units 1 & 2 5th Edition
Judith Kinnear, Marjory Martin, 2016
Foucault Sözlüğü
Judith Revel, 2012
Basic College Mathematics with Early Integers
Marvin L. Bittinger, Judith A. Penna, 2014
Visions of Tomorrow: Science Fiction Predictions that Came True
Tom Easton; Judith K. Dial, 2010
Inspirational Manager: How to Build Relationships That Deliver Results (2nd Edition)
Judith Leary-Joyce, 2011
Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing It Right - Using It Well (Pearson New International Edition)
Jan Chappuis, Rick J. Stiggins, Steve Chappuis, Judith A. Arter, 2013
Development and dispossession in the Narmada Valley
Judith Whitehead, 2010
Urban Jungle: Living and Styling with Plants
Josifovic, Igor; de Graaff, Judith, 2017
Champions for Peace: Women Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize
Judith Hicks Stiehm, 2018
O Metodo nas Ciencias Naturais e Sociais: pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa
Alda Judith Alves-Mazzotti, Fernando Gewandsznajder, 1999
The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People
Judith Orloff, 2017
Crossroads to Islam: The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab State
Yehuda D. Nevo; Judith Koren
福柯思想辞典 / Dictionnaire Foucault
[法] 朱迪特·勒薇尔(Judith Revel) 著;潘培庆 译, 2015
Michel Foucault: Güncelliğin Bir Ontolojisi
Judith Revel, 2006
Experiencing Intercultural Communication: An Introduction
Judith N. Martin, Thomas K. Nakayama, 2010
Human Geography
Jerome Fellmann, Mark Bjelland, Arthur Getis, Judith Getis, 2009
Writing for publication in nursing
Marilyn H. Oermann; Judith C. Hays, 2019
Emergency Medicine A Comprehensive Study Guide 9th ed
Judith E. Tintinalli, O. John Ma, Donald Yealy, Garth D. Meckler, J. Stephan Stapczynski, David M. Cline, Stephen H. Thomas, 2020
Che fine ha fatto lo Stato-nazione?
Judith Butler, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, A. Pirri (editor), 2020