کتاب های Judy C. Pearson

Survey Research Designs: Towards a Better Understanding of Their Costs and Benefits: Prepared under the Auspices of the Working Group on the Comparative Evaluation of Longitudinal Surveys Social Science Research Council
Robert F. Boruch, Robert W. Pearson (auth.), Robert W. Pearson, Robert F. Boruch (eds.), 1986
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) English Literature Student Book-Pearson Education (2021)
Pam Taylor, Fleur Frederick, Shaun Gamble, James Christie, Greg Bevan, David Farnell - Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) English Literature Student Book-Pearson Education (2021), 2021
iSpeak: public speaking for contemporary life
Paul Edward Nelson, Scott Titsworth, Judy C. Pearson, 2009
Human Communication
Judy Pearson (Author), 2010
Human Communication
Judy C. Pearson; Scott Titsworth; Angela Hosek; Paul E. Nelson, 2016
Experience Communication
Jeffrey T. Child, Judy C. Pearson, Paul E. Nelson, 2018
Human Communication
Judy C. Pearson ; Paul E. Nelson, 2014
Human Communication: University of Central Florida
Judy C. Pearson; Paul E. Nelson; Scott Titsworth; Lynn Harter; Jeff Butler; Stephen Ihde; Jim Katt; Burt Pryor, 2021
The Body of David Hayes
Ridley Pearson, 2004
A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings V: The Small-Scale History Paintings
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn; Wetering, Ernst van de; Bruyn, J.; Nes, C. J. van; Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, Rembrandt; Pearson, Murray, 1
A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings VI: Rembrandt's Paintings Revisited - a Complete Survey
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn; Wetering, Ernst van de; Bruyn, J.; Nes, C. J. van; Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, Rembrandt; Pearson, Murray, 1
Architecture and Order: Approaches to Social Space
M. Pearson, 1993
Deep Nature: Photographs from Iowa
John Pearson, Linda Scarth, Robert Scarth, 2009
Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference in Coimbra, Portugal, March 21-23 2005
Bernadete Ribeiro, Rudolf F. Albrecht, Andrej Dobnikar, David W. Pearson, Nigel C. Steele, 2005
Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms: Proceedings of the International Conference in Coimbra, Portugal, .0002
Bernadete Ribeiro, Rudolf F. Albrecht, Andrej Dobnikar, David W. Pearson, Nigel C. Steele, 2005
H infty-control Theory
Edoardo Mosca, Luciano Pandolfi, C. Foias, B. Francis, J.W. Helton, H. Kwakernaak, J.B. Pearson, 1992
Activating agents and protecting groups
Anthony J. Pearson, William R. Roush, 1999
Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory
R. Pearson, 2000
Advances in Meat Research: Meat and Poultry Microbiology
A. M. Pearson, T. R. Dutson (eds.), 1986
A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of the United States and Canada: Identification, Natural History, and Distribution of the Cicindelidae
David L. Pearson, C. Barry Knisley, Charles J. Kazilek, 2005
A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of the United States and Canada: Identification, Natural History, and Distribution of the Cicindelidae
David L. Pearson, C. Barry Knisley, Charles J. Kazilek, 2005
A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of the United States and Canada: Identification, Natural History, and Distribution of the Cicindelinae
David L. Pearson, C. Barry Knisley, Daniel P. Duran, Charles J. Kazilek, 2015
Modern British Art
Danny Pearson, 2014