کتاب های Judy Stern (auth.)

Kinderradiologie 2: Bildgebende Diagnostik
F. Ball (auth.), Professor Dr. W. Schuster, Professor Dr. D. Färber, Professor Dr. F. Ball, Professor Dr. J. H. Bürsch, Kl.-D. Ebel, Dr. D. Emons, Frau Dr. A. Förster, Privatdozent Dr. K.-J. Hagel, Dr. H. Hahn, Privatdozent Dr. K. Helmke, Privatdozent Dr. V. Klingmüller, Professor Dr. M. A. Lassrich, Privatdozent Dr. H. C. Oppermann, Professor Dr. H. W. Rautenburg, Professor Dr. M. Reither, Professor Dr. G. Rupprath, Dr. E. Schirg, Privatdozent Dr. H. Stern, Frau Professor Dr. B. Stöver, Profess, 1996
Advances in Cryptology — ASIACRYPT 2001: 7th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security Gold Coast, Australia, December 9–13, 2001 Proceedings
Craig Gentry, Jakob Jonsson, Jacques Stern, Michael Szydlo (auth.), Colin Boyd (eds.), 2001
Drug Treatment in Obstetrics: A Handbook of Prescribing
R. S. Ledward BSc (Manchester), MR Pharm. Soc., MB, ChB (L’pool), DA, DM (N’ham), LRCP, MRCS, MRSH, FRCS, FRCOG, DHMSA, D. F. Hawkins BSc, PhD, DSc, MB, BS (Lond), MD (Mass), FRCOG, FACOG, L. Stern MD, FRCP(C) (auth.), 1991
The Search for Extra-Solar Terrestrial Planets: Techniques and Technology: Proceedings of a Conference held in Boulder, Colorado, May 14–17, 1995
James F. Kasting (auth.), J. M. Shull, H. A. Thronson Jr., S. A. Stern (eds.), 1997
Current Topics in Biomedical Research
F. Stern (auth.), 1992
Communicating about Risks to Environment and Health in Europe
Richard M. Stern (auth.), 1998
Clinical Experiences with Budipine in Parkinson Therapy
G. Stern (auth.), 1985
Die Epidemische Encephalitis
Professor Dr. Med Felix Stern (auth.), 1922
Die Epidemische Encephalitis: Heft 30
Professor Dr. med. Felix Stern (auth.), 1928
New Perspectives in Wood Anatomy: Published on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the International Association of Wood Anatomists
William Louis Stern (auth.), 1982
Allgemeine Psychologie auf personalistischer Grundlage
William Stern (auth.), 1935
Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis in Plants
Herbert Stern (auth.), 1977
Neonatal Jaundice: New Trends in Phototherapy
Leo Stern (auth.), 1984
Neurologische Begutachtung
Professor Dr. F. Stern (auth.), 1933
Organisationsentstehung in innovativen Neugründungen: Kommunikation und Organisation in jungen Multimediaunternehmen
Sebastian Stern (auth.), 2003
Kurt Stern (auth.), 1933
Elektrophysiologie der Pflanzen
Dr. Kurt Stern (auth.), 1924
Emancipation and Poverty: The Ashkenazi Jews of Amsterdam 1796–1850
Karina Sonnenberg-Stern (auth.), 2000
Evaluating and Promoting Positive School Attitude in Adolescents
Mandy Stern (auth.), 2012
Matrix Logic. Theory and Applications
A. Stern (Auth.), 1988