کتاب های Julian Leff

Introducing Criticism at the 21st Century
Julian Wolfreys, 2002
Modern British and Irish Criticism and Theory: A Critical Guide
Julian Wolfreys, 2006
Security Risk Management: Body of Knowledge
Julian Talbot
Francis Bacon, the State and the Reform of Natural Philosophy
Julian Martin, 2007
The Future of the Multinational Company
Julian Birkinshaw, 2003
Fundamentals of Managerial Economics
Julian Gough, 1979
Gas-Solid Reactions
Julian Szekely, 1976
Gas-solid Reactions
Julian Szekely, 1976
Nanobeam X-Ray Scattering: Probing Matter at the Nanoscale
Dr. Julian Stangl, 2013
Open Science: Sharing Knowledge in the Global Century
Julian Cribb, 2010
Open Science: Sharing Knowledge in the Global Century
Julian Cribb, 2010
Literary Theories: A Case Study in Critical Performance
Julian Wolfreys, 1996
Cañadell's Pediatric Bone Sarcomas: Epiphysiolysis before Excision
Mikel San-Julian (ed.), 2016
Environmental Justice and Sustainability in the Former Soviet Union
Julian Agyeman, 2009
Motion Vision: Design of Compact Motion Sensing Solutions for Autonomous Systems
Ljubo Vlacic Julian Kolodko, 2005
Bed and Sofa: The Film Companion
Julian Graffy, 2001
Strategic Nuclear Sharing
Julian Schofield (auth.), 2014
Invasion: A Kydd Sea Adventure (Kydd Sea Adventures)
Julian Stockwin, 2009