کتاب های Jurgen Popp (editor)

Vortex Structure and Dynamics: Lectures of a Workshop Held in Rouen, France, April 27–28, 1999 (Lecture Notes in Physics)
Agnes Maurel, Jürgen Ehlers (editor), Klaus Hepp (editor), Hans Arwed Weidenmuller (editor), U. Frisch (editor), W. Hillebrandt (editor), D. Imboden (editor), R. Lipowsky (editor), Julius Wess (editor), Robert L. Jaffe (editor), R. Kippenhahn (editor), I. Ojima (editor), R. Beig (editor), H.V. Lohneysen (editor), Philippe Petitjeans (editor), 2000
Molecular Spectroscopy: A Quantum Chemistry Approach
Yukihiro Ozaki (editor), Marek Januz Wojcik (editor), Jurgen Popp (editor), 2019
Idiopathic Scoliosis: The Harms Study Group Treatment Guide
Peter Newton (editor), Amer Samdani (editor), Harry Shufflebarger (editor), Randal Betz (editor), Jürgen Harms (editor), 2021
Die Zukunft des MINT-Lernens – Band 1: Perspektiven auf (digitalen) MINT-Unterricht und Lehrkräftebildung (German Edition)
Jürgen Roth (editor), Michael Baum (editor), Katja Eilerts (editor), Gabriele Hornung (editor), Thomas Trefzger (editor), 2022
Progress and Visions in Quantum Theory in View of Gravity: Bridging Foundations of Physics and Mathematics
Felix Finster (editor), Domenico Giulini (editor), Johannes Kleiner (editor), Jurgen Tolksdorf (editor), 2020
Progress and Visions in Quantum Theory in View of Gravity: Bridging Foundations of Physics and Mathematics
Felix Finster (editor), Domenico Giulini (editor), Johannes Kleiner (editor), Jürgen Tolksdorf (editor), 2020
Mysterium salutis. Lessico dei teologi del secolo ventesimo
Johannes Feiner (editor), Magnus Löhrer (editor), Piersandro Vanzan (editor),Hans Jürgen Schultz (editor), 2018
Education and the State: International perspectives on a changing relationship
Carla Aubry (editor), Michael Geiss (editor), Veronika Magyar-Haas (editor), Jürgen Oelkers (editor), 2014
Language and Space. Volume 4 Deutsch: Sprache und Raum - Ein internationales Handbuch der Sprachvariation
Joachim Herrgen (editor); Jürgen Erich Schmidt (editor); Hanna Fischer (editor); Brigitte Ganswindt (editor), 2019
Investmentgesetze: Band 3 §§ 214 - 360 KAGB
Jürgen Baur (editor); Falko Tappen (editor); Elnaz Mehrkhah (editor); Caspar Behme (editor), 2019
Investmentgesetze: Band 1 §§ 1 - 90 KAGB
Jürgen Baur (editor); Falko Tappen (editor); Elnaz Mehrkhah (editor); Caspar Behme (editor), 2019
The Expanding Worlds of General Relativity
Hubert Goenner (editor), Jürgen Renn (editor), Jim Ritter (editor), Tilman Sauer (editor), 1998
Control of Coupled Partial Differential Equations (International Series of Numerical Mathematics, 155)
Karl Kunisch (editor), Günter Leugering (editor), Jürgen Sprekels (editor), Fredi Tröltzsch (editor), 2007
Domain-Specific Processors (Signal Processing and Communications, 20)
Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya (Editor), Ed F. Deprettere (Editor), Jurgen Teich (Editor), Ed Deprettere (E, 2003
Physiologie: Das Lehrbuch
Erwin-Josef Speckmann (editor), Jürgen Hescheler (editor), Rüdiger Köhling (editor), 2019
Molecular Imaging in Oncology (Recent Results in Cancer Research (216))
Otmar Schober (editor), Fabian Kiessling (editor), Jürgen Debus (editor), 2020
Regional Geology and Tectonics: Principles of Geologic Analysis: Volume 1: Principles of Geologic Analysis
Nicola Scarselli (editor), Jürgen Adam (editor), Domenico Chiarella (editor), 2020
The Maz’ya Anniversary Collection: Volume 1: On Maz’ya’s work in functional analysis, partial differential equations and applications (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Jürgen Rossmann (editor), Peter Takac (editor), Günther Wildenhain (editor), 2012
The Maz’ya Anniversary Collection: Volume 2: Rostock Conference on Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Applications (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Jürgen Rossmann (editor), Peter Takac (editor), Günther Wildenhain (editor), 2012
Embodied Interaction: Language and Body in the Material World
Jürgen Streeck (editor), Charles Goodwin (editor), Curtis LeBaron (editor), 2011
Clinical Applications of SPECT-CT
Hojjat Ahmadzadehfar (editor), Hans-Jürgen Biersack (editor), Ken Herrmann (editor), 2022
Glacial Deposits in North East Europe
Jürgen Ehlers (editor), Stefan Kozarski (editor), Philip Gibbard (editor), 1995
The Comparative International Politics of Democracy Promotion
Jonas Wolff (editor), Hans-Joachim Spanger (editor), Hans-Jürgen Puhle (editor), 2013
Pituitary Tumors: A Comprehensive and Interdisciplinary Approach
Jürgen Honegger (editor), Martin Reincke (editor), Stephan Petersenn (editor), 2021