کتاب های Kang Li (editor)

Echocardiography in pediatric and adult congenital heart disease
Benjamin W. Eidem (editor); Patrick W. O'Leary (editor); Frank Cetta (editor), 2015
The Boston Process Approach to Neuropsychological Assessment: A Practitioner's Guide
Lee Ashendorf (editor), Rod Swenson (editor), David J. Libon (editor), 2013
Making Sense of Intractable Environmental Conflicts: Concepts and Cases
Roy Lewicki (editor), Barbara Gray (editor), Michael Elliott (editor), 2002
Alternative Voices: (Re)searching Language, Culture, Identity
S. Imtiaz Hasnain (editor), Shailendra Mohan (editor), Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta (editor), 2013
Limited Statehood and Informal Governance in the Middle East and Africa
Ruth Hanau Santini (editor), Abel Polese (editor), Rob Kevlihan (editor), 2020
History, Politics, Law: Thinking through the International
Annabel Brett (editor), Megan Donaldson (editor), Martti Koskenniemi (editor), 2021
Russia Rising: Putin's Foreign Policy in the Middle East and North Africa
Dimitar Bechev (editor), Nicu Popescu (editor), Stanislav Secrieru (editor), 2021
A New Theory and Practice of Diplomacy: New Perspectives on Diplomacy
Jack Spence (editor), Alastair Masser (editor), Claire Yorke (editor), 2021
Contemporary Diplomacy in Action: New Perspectives on Diplomacy
Alastair Masser (editor), Jack Spence (editor), Claire Yorke (editor), 2021
Medical Journals and Medical Knowledge: Historical Essays
William F. Bynum (editor), Stephen Lock (editor), Roy Porter (editor), 1992
Formal Methods in Outer Space: Essays Dedicated to Klaus Havelund on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday
Ezio Bartocci (editor), Yliès Falcone (editor), Martin Leucker (editor), 2021
Machine Vision and Augmented Intelligence―Theory and Applications: Select Proceedings of MAI 2021
Manish Kumar Bajpai (editor), Koushlendra Kumar Singh (editor), George Giakos (editor), 2021
Intergenerational Justice in Sustainable Development Treaty Implementation: Advancing Future Generations Rights through National Institutions
Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (editor), Marcel Szabó (editor), Alexandra R. Harrington (editor), 2021
Social Ontology in the Making
Raimo Tuomela (editor), Raul Hakli (editor), Pekka Mäkelä (editor), 2020
Intelligent Astrophysics (Emergence, Complexity and Computation, 39)
Ivan Zelinka (editor), Massimo Brescia (editor), Dalya Baron (editor), 2021
Intelligent Astrophysics (Emergence, Complexity and Computation, 39)
Ivan Zelinka (editor), Massimo Brescia (editor), Dalya Baron (editor), 2021
Recommender Systems for Medicine and Music (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 946)
Zbigniew W. Ras (editor), Alicja Wieczorkowska (editor), Shusaku Tsumoto (editor), 2021
Recommender Systems for Medicine and Music (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 946)
Zbigniew W. Ras (editor), Alicja Wieczorkowska (editor), Shusaku Tsumoto (editor), 2021
Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy: Proceedings of the CIT 2020 Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 762)
Miguel Botto Tobar (editor), Henry Cruz (editor), Angela Díaz Cadena (editor), 2021
Algorithms as a Basis of Modern Applied Mathematics (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 404)
Šárka Hošková-Mayerová (editor), Cristina Flaut (editor), Fabrizio Maturo (editor), 2021
Architekturen für BI & Analytics: Konzepte, Technologien und Anwendungen
Peter Gluchowski (editor), Frank Leisten (editor), Gero Presser (editor), 2021
Data Driven Decision Making using Analytics (Computational Intelligence Techniques)
Parul Gandhi (editor), Surbhi Bhatia (editor), Kapal Dev (editor), 2021
Emerging Technologies in Computing: Theory, Practice and Advances
Pramod Kumar (editor), Anuradha Tomar (editor), R. Sharmila (editor), 2021
Intelligent Multi-Modal Data Processing (The Wiley Series in Intelligent Signal and Data Processing)
Soham Sarkar (editor), Abhishek Basu (editor), Siddhartha Bhattacharyya (editor), 2021