کتاب های Karin Baur

Computer Algebra Methods for Equivariant Dynamical Systems
Karin Gatermann (eds.), 2000
Ergodic Theory and Related Topics III: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Güstrow, Germany, October 22–27, 1990
Christoph Bandt, Karsten Keller (auth.), Ulrich Krengel, Karin Richter, Volker Warstat (eds.), 1992
Ergodic Theory and Related Topics III: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Güstrow, Germany, October 22–27, 1990
Christoph Bandt, Karsten Keller (auth.), Ulrich Krengel, Karin Richter, Volker Warstat (eds.), 1992
Kompendium pädiatrische Diabetologie
Peter Hürter, Olga Kordonouri, Karin Lange, Thomas Danne, 2006
African Security Politics Redefined
Karin Dokken, 2008
Ambient Intelligence: European Conference, AmI 2007, Darmstadt, Germany, November 7-10, 2007. Proceedings
Enrico Rukzio, Gregor Broll, Karin Leichtenstern, Albrecht Schmidt (auth.), Bernt Schiele, Anind K. Dey, Hans Gellersen, Boris de Ruyter, Manfred Tscheligi, Reiner Wichert, Emile Aarts, Alejandro Buchmann (eds.), 2007
Ambient Intelligence: European Conference, AmI 2007, Darmstadt, Germany, November 7-10, 2007. Proceedings
Enrico Rukzio, Gregor Broll, Karin Leichtenstern, Albrecht Schmidt (auth.), Bernt Schiele, Anind K. Dey, Hans Gellersen, Boris de Ruyter, Manfred Tscheligi, Reiner Wichert, Emile Aarts, Alejandro Buchmann (eds.), 2007
Ambient Intelligence: European Conference, AmI 2007, Darmstadt, Germany, November 7-10, 2007. Proceedings
Enrico Rukzio, Gregor Broll, Karin Leichtenstern, Albrecht Schmidt (auth.), Bernt Schiele, Anind K. Dey, Hans Gellersen, Boris de Ruyter, Manfred Tscheligi, Reiner Wichert, Emile Aarts, Alejandro Buchmann (eds.), 2007
Innovative Concepts for Autonomic and Agent-Based Systems: Second International Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts, WRAC 2005, Greenbelt, MD, USA, September 20-22, 2005. Revised Papers
Karin Breitman, Walt Truszkowski (auth.), Michael G. Hinchey, Patricia Rago, James L. Rash, Christopher A. Rouff, Roy Sterritt, Walt Truszkowski (eds.), 2006
Interactive Systems: Design, Specification, and Verification: 8th International Workshop, DSV-IS 2001 Glasgow, Scotland, UK, June 13–15, 2001 Revised Papers
Kris Luyten, Karin Coninx (auth.), Chris Johnson (eds.), 2001
Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Transition Countries: The Experience of Bulgaria, Moldova, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan (World Bank Working Papers)
Nora Dudwick; Karin Fock; David Sedik, 2007
Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems. Milestones and Future Challenges: IFIP WG 6.3/7.3 International Workshop, PERFORM 2010, in Honor of Günter Haring on the Occasion of His Emeritus Celebration, Vienna, Austria, October 14-16, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Raymond A. Marie (auth.), Karin Anna Hummel, Helmut Hlavacs, Wilfried Gansterer (eds.), 2011
Task Models and Diagrams for Users Interface Design: 5th International Workshop, TAMODIA 2006, Hasselt, Belgium, October 23-24, 2006, Revised Papers (Lecture ... / Programming and Software Engineering)
Karin Coninx, Kris Luyten, Kevin A. Schneider, 2007
Task Models and Diagrams for Users Interface Design: 5th International Workshop, TAMODIA 2006, Hasselt, Belgium, October 23-24, 2006. Revised Papers
Joëlle Coutaz (auth.), Karin Coninx, Kris Luyten, Kevin A. Schneider (eds.), 2007
The Psychologist's Companion: A Guide to Writing Scientific Papers for Students and Researchers
Robert J. Sternberg, Karin Sternberg, 2010
The Psychologist's Companion: A Guide to Writing Scientific Papers for Students and Researchers
Robert J. Sternberg & Karin Sternberg, 2010
The Social Process of Scientific Investigation
Marc De Mey (auth.), Karin D. Knorr, Roger Krohn, Richard Whitley (eds.), 1981
Agent Technology from a Formal Perspective (NASA Monographs in Systems and Software Engineering)
Karin Breitman, Marco Antonio Casanova, Walt Truszkowski, 2006
Cerebral Hemorrhage
Y. Hua, R. F. Keep, J. T. Hoff, G. Xi (auth.), Liang-Fu Zhou, Xian-Cheng Chen, Feng-Ping Huang, Guohua Xi, Richard F. Keep, Ya Hua, Karin Muraszko, Yi-Cheng Lu (eds.), 2008
Cerebral Hemorrhage (Acta Neurochirurgica Supplementum 105)
Liang-Fu Zhou, Guohua Xi, Xian-Cheng Chen, Richard F. Keep, Feng-Ping Huang, Ya Hua, Yi-Cheng Lu, Karin Muraszko
Für Ulrich Conrads
Gerd Albers, Horst von Bassewitz, Jürgen Becker, Günter Bock, Franziska Bollerey, Lucius Burkhardt, Peter Conradi, Lore Ditzen, Martina Düttmann, Werner Durth, Martin Einsele, Gerhard Fehl, Hermann Fehling, Daniel Gogel, Walter Förderer, Karin Fratzscher, Robert Frank, Joachim Ganz, Walter Rolfes, Werner Gehrmann, Anatol Ginelli, Max Guther, Hardt-Waltherr Hämer, Manfred Hamm, Kristiana Hartmann, Hermann Henselmann, Rainer Höynck, Hubert Hoffmann, Dieter Hoffmann-Axthelm, Gert Kähler, Claus Pete, 1988
Struma maligna: Derzeitiger Stand in Diagnose und Therapie
W. Langsteger, P. Költringer, W. Buchinger, Karin Dominik, G. Binter, O. Eber (auth.), Univ.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Pimpl, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Galvan, Univ.-Prof. Dr. H. Dieter Kogelnik, Prim. Dr. Dieter Manfreda, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bruno Niederle, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Schlag, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Waclawiczek (eds.), 1993
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2013 International Workshops, Valencia, Spain, June 17-21, 2013. Proceedings
Mart Roost, Kuldar Taveter, Karin Rava, Jaak Tepandi, Gunnar Piho, Rein Kuusik (auth.), Xavier Franch, Pnina Soffer (eds.), 2013