کتاب های Karl A. Peet

Homological Mirror Symmetry: New Developments and Perspectives
K. Fukaya, P. Seidel, I. Smith (auth.), Karl-Georg Schlesinger, Maximilian Kreuzer, Anton Kapustin (eds.), 2009
Homological Mirror Symmetry: New Developments and Perspectives
K. Fukaya, P. Seidel, I. Smith (auth.), Karl-Georg Schlesinger, Maximilian Kreuzer, Anton Kapustin (eds.), 2009
Product Design and Development
Karl T. Ulrich,Steven D. Eppinger, 2012
Research Methods in European Union Studies
Kennet Lynggaard, Ian Manners, Karl Löfgren (eds.), 2015
Applied Anatomy of the Back
Professor Dr. med. Josef Rickenbacher, Professor Dr. med. Alex M. Landolt, Professor Dr. med. Karl Theiler, Professor Dr. med. Heinrich Scheier, Professor Dr. med. Jean Siegfried, Professor Dr. med. Franz J. Wagenhäuser (auth.), 1985
Captain Cook's Endeavour
Karl Heinz Marquardt, 2001
Welfare Effects of Trade Restrictions. A Case Study of the U.S. Footwear Industry
Michael Szenberg, John W. Lombardi, Eric Y. Lee and Karl Shell (Auth.), 1977
Contemporary Capacity-Building in Educational Contexts
Patrick Alan Danaher, Andy Davies, Linda De George-Walker, Janice K. Jones, Karl J. Matthews, Warren Midgley, Catherine H. Arden, Margaret Baguley (auth.), 2014
Educational Learning and Development: Building and Enhancing Capacity
Margaret Baguley, Patrick Alan Danaher, Andy Davies, Linda De George-Walker, Janice K. Jones, Karl J. Matthews, Warren Midgley, Catherine H. Arden (auth.), 2014
Build an HTML5 Game: A Developer's Guide with CSS and JavaScript
Karl Bunyan, 2015
Build an HTML5 Game: A Developer's Guide with CSS and JavaScript
Karl Bunyan, 2015
Build an HTML5 Game: A Developer's Guide with CSS and JavaScript
Karl Bunyan, 2015
Beitrag zur thermoelastischen Formbarkeit von Polyäthylen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Karl Krekeler, Dr.-Ing. Heinz Peukert (auth.), 1956
Beitrag zur thermoelastischen Warmformbarkeit von hartem Polyvinylchlorid (Hart-PVC)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Karl Krekeler, Dipl.-Ing. August Kleine-Albers (auth.), 1956
Credit Risk: Measurement, Evaluation and Management
Arne Benzin, Stefan Trück, Svetlozar T. Rachev (auth.), Prof. Dr. Georg Bol, Prof. Dr. Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh, Prof. Dr. Svetlozar T. Rachev, Dr. Thomas Ridder, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Vollmer (eds.), 2003
Economic Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts: Development of a Cross-Sectoral Framework and Results for Austria
Karl W. Steininger, Martin König, Birgit Bednar-Friedl, Lukas Kranzl, Wolfgang Loibl, Franz Prettenthaler (eds.), 2015
Intelligent Search on XML Data: Applications, Languages, Models, Implementations, and Benchmarks
Karl P. Pfeiffer, Georg Göbel, Karin Leitner (auth.), Henk Blanken, Torsten Grabs, Hans-Jörg Schek, Ralf Schenkel, Gerhard Weikum (eds.), 2003
Intelligent Search on XML Data: Applications, Languages, Models, Implementations, and Benchmarks
Karl P. Pfeiffer, Georg Göbel, Karin Leitner (auth.), Henk Blanken, Torsten Grabs, Hans-Jörg Schek, Ralf Schenkel, Gerhard Weikum (eds.), 2003
Die Felsenburg. Satan und Ischariot, Tl. 1
Karl May, 1950
Computer Science Reconsidered: The Invocation Model of Process Expression
Karl M. Fant, 2007
Handbook of Derivatives for Chromatography
Karl Blau, John M. Halket, 1993
Handbook of Derivatives for Chromatography
Karl Blau, John M. Halket, 1993
DGOR: Papers of the Annual Meeting/Vorträge der Jahrestagung
W. Trux (auth.), Prof. Dr. Günter Fandel, Dr. Dietrich Fischer, Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Pfohl, Dipl.-Math. Karl-Peter Schuster, Prof. Dr. Jochen Schwarze (eds.), 1981
The Porphyrin Handbook. The Iron and Cobalt Pigments: Biosynthesis, Structure and Degradation
Karl Kadish, Kevin M. Smith and Roger Guilard (Eds.), 2003