کتاب های Karl Raimund Popper
درباره نویسنده

Thomas Kuhn's "linguistic turn" and the legacy of logical empiricism : incommensurability, rationality and the search for truth
Kuhn, Thomas S.; Popper, Karl Raimund; Kuhn, Thomas S.; Feyerabend, Paul; Gattei, Stefano; Popper, Karl Raimund, 2008
Auf der Suche nach einer besseren Welt
Karl Raimund Popper, 1987
The world of Parmenides: essays on the Presocratic enlightenment
Karl Raimund Popper, 1998
La Logica De La Investigacion Cientifica (Estructura y Funcion)
Karl Raimund Popper, 2004
A Miseria do historicismo
Karl Raimund Popper, 1980
A World of Propensities
Karl Raimund Popper, 1997
A World of Propensities
Karl Raimund Popper, 1997
Conjectures and refutations: the growth of scientific knowledge
Karl Raimund Popper, 2002
The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 1: The Spell of Plato
Sir Karl Raimund Popper, 1966
The Open Society and Its Enemies: The Spell of Plato
Sir Karl Raimund Popper, 1971
Quantum theory and the schism in physics (The Postscript to The logic of scientific discovery, 3)
Karl Raimund Popper, 1982
Wiedza a zagadnienie ciała i umysłu: w obronie interakcji
Karl Raimund Popper, 1998
Karl Raimund Popper, 1999
Karl Raimund Popper, 1987
Karl Raimund Popper, 2009
El cuerpo y la mente : escritos inéditos acerca del conocimiento y del problema cuerpo-mente
Karl Raimund Popper, 2002
Nędza historycyzmu
Karl Raimund Popper, 1999