کتاب های Katja Loos

Empirical Perspectives on Anaphora Resolution
Katja Suckow, Anke Holler, 2016
Boron Proxies in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Barbel Hoenisch; Stephen M Eggins; Laura L Haynes; Katherine A Allen; Katherine D Holland; Katja Lorbacher, 2019
The Creative Critic: Writing as/about Practice
Katja Hilevaara (Editor), Emily Orley (Editor), 2018
Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung
Beate Kortendiek, Birgit Riegraf, Katja Sabisch, 2019
Approaches to religion and mythology in Celtic studies
Bergholm, Alexandra; Ritari, Katja, 2008
Poetics of Politics : Textuality and Social Relevance in Contemporary American Literature and Culture.
Herrmann, Sebastian M.; Hofmann, Carolin Alice; Kanzler, Katja; Schubert, Stefan; Usbeck, Frank, 2015
Privacy, Due Process And The Computational Turn: The Philosophy Of Law Meets The Philosophy Of Technology
Mireille Hildebrandt, Katja de Vries, 2013
Modellierungskompetenzen – Diagnose und Bewertung
Greefrath, Gilbert, Maass, Katja (Hrsg.), 2020
Gattung und Geschlecht: Weiblichkeitsnarrative im galanten Roman um 1700
Katja Barthel, 2016
Gattung und Geschlecht: Weiblichkeitsnarrative im galanten Roman um 1700
Katja Barthel, 2016
Einführung Mathematik Primarstufe - Geometrie
Markus Helmerich, Katja Lengnink, 2015
The Borders of Punishment: Migration, Citizenship, and Social Exclusion
Katja Franko Aas, Mary Bosworth, 2013
Lexikon merkwürdiger Todesarten
Katja Doubek, 2000
Web Survey Methodology
Mario Callegaro, Katja Lozar Manfreda, Vasja Vehovar, 2015
Mediterraneos: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Cultures of the Mediterranean Sea
Arturo Echavarren (editor), Esther Fernandez Medina (editor), Daniel Riano Rufilanchas (editor), Katja Smid (editor), Jesus Tellez Rubio (editor), David Torollo Sanchez (editor), 2013
UNHCR and the Struggle for Accountability: Technology, law and results-based management
Kristin Bergtora Sandvik and Katja Lindskov Jacobsen, 2016
Information Structuring in Discourse
Anke Holler, Katja Suckow, Israel de la Fuente, 2020
Paths to Complexity: Centralisation and Urbanisation in Iron Age Europe
Manuel Fernandez-Gotz; Holger Wendling; Katja Winger, 2014
The Lives and Deaths of Shelter Animals: The Lives and Deaths of Shelter Animals
Katja M. Guenther, 2020
Celebrity Cultures in Canada
Katja Lee; Lorraine York; P. David Marshall, 2016
Beyond the Coal Rush: A Turning Point for Global Energy and Climate Policy?
James Goodman, Linda Connor, Devleena Ghosh, Kanchi Kohli, Jonathan Paul Marshall, Manju Menon, Katja Mueller, Tom Morton, Rebecca Pearse, Stuart Rosewarne, 2020
Die Erfindung einer Nationalliteratur Literaturgeschichten Argentiniens und Chiles (1860 - 1920)
Katja Carrillo Zeiter, 2011