کتاب های Kees De Bot

A dynamic approach to second language development : methods and techniques
Marjolyn Verspoor; Kees De Bot; Wander Lowie, 2011
A History of Applied Linguistics: From 1980 to the present
Kees de Bot, 2015
Second Language Acquisition: An Advanced Resource Book
Kees de Bot, 2006
Language Development Over the Lifespan
Kees de Bot &, 2009
Foreign Language Research in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Kees de Bot, 1991
Modeling bilingualism from structure to chaos : in honor of Kees de Bot
Kees De Bot, 2011
Language Attrition in Progress
Bert Weltens, Kees de Bot, Theo van Els, 1986
Conjugate duality in convex optimization
Radu Ioan Bot, 2010
Duality in vector optimization
Radu Ioan Bot, Sorin-Mihai Grad, Gert Wanka (auth.), 2009
Cancer Vaccines: Challenges and Opportunities in Translation (Translational Medicine)
Adrian Bot, Mihail Obrocea, 2008
Abord Clinique en Ophtalmologie
Marie-José Bot-Escluse (auth.), 2013
Cancer vaccines : from research to clinical practice
Adrian Bot, 2011
Duality in Vector Optimization
Radu Ioan Bot, 2009
Die europäische Wirtschaftsverfassung de lege lata et ferenda: Verhandlungen des 6. Österreichischen Europarechtstages, Wien, 29. und 30. 9. 2006
Bot. MMag. Dr. Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger (auth.), 2007
El sueño zapatista
Subcomandante Marcos, Yvon Le Bot, 1997
Il sogno zapatista
Yvon Le Bot, Subcomandante Marcos, Tania Gargiulo (trans.), Dalla Fontana (trans.), 1997
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2010: Smart Systems for Green Cars and Safe Mobility
Marco Ottella, Pietro Perlo, Ovidiu Vermesan, Reiner John, Kees Gehrels, Harald Gall (auth.), Gereon Meyer, Jürgen Valldorf (eds.), 2010
18.1. History of the Language Science; Geschichte Der Sprachwissenschaften; Histoire Des Sciences Du Langage (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaften; Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science; HSK)
Sylvain Auroux, E. F. K. Koerner, Hans J. Niederehe, Kees Versteegh, 2000
Agribusiness and Society: Corporate Responses to Environmentalism, Market Opportunities and Public Regulation
Kees Jansen, Sietze Vellema, 2004
Acquisition and Loss of Nationality, Volume 2: Policies and Trends in 15 European Countries: Country Analyses (Amsterdam University Press - IMISCOE Research)
Rainer Baubock, Eva Ersboll, Kees Groenendijk, Harald Waldrauch, 2007
Advanced Computational Methods In Science And Engineering
Rob F. Remis, Neil V. Budko (auth.), Barry Koren, Kees Vuik (eds.), 2010