کتاب های Ken Goodwin (auth.)

Advances in Cardiomyopathies
J. F. Goodwin (auth.), 1990
Essays in Economic Dynamics
R. M. Goodwin (auth.), 1982
Essays in Linear Economic Structures
R. M. Goodwin (auth.), 1983
Ethics at Work
Barbara Goodwin (auth.), 2000
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Volume 3
Donald W. Goodwin (auth.), 1985
Recent Views on Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
J. F. Goodwin (auth.), 1985
Precambrian Geology. The Dynamic Evolution of the Continental Crust
Alan M. Goodwin (Auth.), 1991
Heart Muscle Disease
J. F. Goodwin (auth.), 1985
Poststructural Policy Analysis: A Guide to Practice
Carol Bacchi, Susan Goodwin (auth.), 2016
A Doctorate and Beyond: Building a Career in Engineering and the Physical Sciences
Graham C. Goodwin, Stefan F. Graebe (auth.), 2017
Polished Game Development: From First Steps to Final Release
Steven Goodwin (auth.), 2016
Castle Class Corvettes
Norman Goodwin, Steve Bush, 2007
Castle Class Corvettes
Norman Goodwin, 2007
Dancing in the Distraction Factory: Music Television and Popular Culture
Andrew Goodwin, 1992
Advances in Genetics
Theodore Friedmann; Jay C. Dunlap and Stephen F. Goodwin (Eds.), 2009
An Introduction to Forensic Genetics
William Goodwin, Adrian Linacre, Sibte Hadi, 2007
Forensic DNA Typing Protocols
William Goodwin, 2016
A Survey of Ecological Economics
Rajaram Krishnan, Jonathan Harris, Neva R. Goodwin, 1995
Bipolar Disorders: Mixed States, Rapid Cycling and Atypical Forms (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law New Series)
Andreas Marneros, Frederick Goodwin, 2005
Control System Design
Graham C. Goodwin, Stefan F. Graebe, Mario E. Salgado, 2000
Solgado Control System Design
Dynamic System Identification: Experiment Design and Data Analysis
Graham C. Goodwin and Robert L. Payne (Eds.), 1977
Reading Graphs, Maps, and Trees: Responses to Franco Moretti
Jonathan Goodwin, John Holbo, Franco Moretti, 2011