کتاب های Ken St Andre

DFT - Diskrete Fourier-Transformation: Elementare Einfuhrung
André Neubauer (auth.), 2012
Irreguläre Abtastung: Signaltheorie und Signalverarbeitung
Dr. André Neubauer (auth.), 2003
Lernen als soziale Praxis im Internet: Objektiv hermeneutische Rekonstruktionen aus einem Forum zum Videospiel Pokémon
André Czauderna (auth.), 2014
Multi-scale Structure Formation and Dynamics in Cosmic Plasmas
Andre Balogh, 2016
A Companion to Early Cinema
André Gaudreault, 2012
A Companion to Early Cinema
André Gaudreault, 2012
Public Policy in Soviet Private International Law
André Garnefsky (auth.), 1968
Public Policy in Soviet Private International Law
André Garnefsky (auth.), 1970
Empfehlungssysteme: Recommender Systems — Grundlagen, Konzepte und Lösungen
André Klahold (auth.), 2009
Logical Analysis of Hybrid Systems: Proving Theorems for Complex Dynamics
André Platzer (auth.), 2010
Logical Analysis of Hybrid Systems: Proving Theorems for Complex Dynamics
André Platzer (auth.), 2010
Pathology of bone tumours: Personal experience
André Mazabraud MD (auth.), 1998
Congress Volume Basel 2001
André Lemaire, 2002
Congress Volume Leiden 2004 (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum)
Andre Lemaire, 2006
Congress Volume Oslo 1998
André Lemaire, 2000
Falcon 4.0 flight model manual
Andre “Raptor One” Joseph et al., 2003
Laser Interactions with Atoms, Solids and Plasmas
André Mysyrowicz (auth.), 1994
Physics of Collisionless Shocks: Space Plasma Shock Waves
André Balogh, 2013
Atlas of small animal ultrasonography
d"Anjou, Marc-André, 2015
Handbook of Paleolithic Typology: Lower and Middle Paleolithic of Europe
Andre Debenath, 1993