کتاب های Ken Vos

Disputed Messiahs: Jewish and Christian Messianism in the Ashkenazic World during the Reformation
Rebekka Voß, John Crutchfield, 2021
Quantum Computing in Action
Johan Vos, 2022
Financing for Overcoming Economic Insecurity
Nazrul Islam; Malinka Koparanova; Rob Vos, 2012
The Teaching of Jesus Concerning the Kingdom of God and the Church
Geerhardus Vos, 1903
Reversible Computing: Fundamentals, Quantum Computing, and Applications
Alexis De Vos, 2010
Gatekeeping Theory
Pamela J. Shoemaker; Timothy Vos, 2009
Gatekeeping in Transition
Timothy Vos, François Heinderyckx, 2015
Luc Vos, 2023
Quantum Computing in Action
Johan Vos
Quantum Computing in Action
Johan Vos
Quantum Computing in Action
Johan Vos
Quantum Computing in Action
Johan Vos
Constructions of Space III: Biblical Spatiality and the Sacred
Jorunn Økland; J. Cornelis de Vos; Karen Wenell (editors), 2015
Richard P. Bagozzi; José Antonio Rosa; Kirstin Sawhney Celly; Francisco Coronel; Almut Oetjen; Holger Wacker; Hendrik Voß, 2000
Strangers and Scapegoats: Extending God's Welcome to Those on the Margins
Matthew S. Vos, 2022
Pauline Eschatology
Geerhardus Vos, 1952
Sons of Saviors: The Red Jews in Yiddish Culture
Rebekka Voß, 2023
Kundenorientierung und Markthandlung
Michael D. Johnson; Almut Oetjen; Oliver de Byl; Hendrik Voß; Holger Wacker, 2001