کتاب های Kenneth Doll

Office Idiots: What to Do When Your Workplace is a Jerkplace
Kenneth Lloyd, 2013
Social Psychology in Transition
Lloyd H. Strickland (auth.), Lloyd H. Strickland, Frances E. Aboud, Kenneth J. Gergen (eds.), 1976
Unlimited Selling Power: How to Master Hypnotic Selling Skills
Donald Moine, Kenneth Lloyd, 1990
Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think
Viktor Mayer-Schonberger, Kenneth Cukier, 2013
Reinforced Concrete Design
Kenneth Leet, Dionisio Bernal, 1996
Fundamentals of Structural Analysis
Kenneth Leet, Chia-Ming Uang, Anne Gilbert, 2006
Indeterminate Structural Analysis
Kenneth Derucher, Chandrasekhar Putcha, Kim Uksun, 2013
Transmission Loss in Radio Propagation: II
Kenneth A. Norton, 1959
Advances in Research and Applications
Robert S. Harris, Paul L. Munson, Egon Diczfalusy, John Glover, Kenneth V. Thimann, Ira G. Wool and John A. Loraine (Eds.), 1975
Aircraft of World War I
Kenneth Munson, 1968
Airliners Between the Wars, 1919-39 (Colour)
Kenneth Munson, 1972
Airliners Since 1946 (The Pocket encyclopaedia of world aircraft in colour)
Kenneth Munson, 1975
Bombers 1914-19 Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft
Kenneth Munson, 2004
Bombers in Service: Patrol and Aircraft Since 1960
Kenneth Munson, 1975
Caravelle 3 & 6
Kenneth G.Munson
Encyclopedia of Bombers 1914-1919 - Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft
Kenneth Munson, 1977
Famous Aircraft of all Time
Kenneth Munson, 1977
Fighters 1914-19. Attack and Training Aircraft
Kenneth Munson, 1976
Fighters Between the Wars 1919-39
Kenneth Munson, 1977
Fighters: Attack and Training Aircraft, 1914-19
Kenneth Munson, 1976
Jane's pocket book of record-breaking aircraft
Kenneth Munson, John Taylor, 1981
Motorbuch Verlag Die Weltkrieg II - Flugzeuge. Alle Flugzeuge der kriegführenden Mächte
Munson, Kenneth, 1975
Pocket Encyclopaedia of World Aircraft: Bombers, 1939-45
Kenneth Munson, 1969