کتاب های Kim A. Neve Phd (auth.)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice: Applications across Disorders and Settings
Linda A. Dimeff Phd, Kelly Koerner PhD, Marsha M. Linehan PhdABPP, 2007
Equine Exercise Physiology: The Science of Exercise in the Athletic Horse
Kenneth W. Hinchcliff BVSc(Hons)MSPhDDipl ACVIM, Raymond J. Geor BVScMVScPhD, Andris J. Kaneps DVMPhDDiplomate ACVS, 2008
Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain
Mark F. Bear PhD, Barry W. Connors PhD, Michael A. Paradiso PhD, 2015
Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery. Basic and Clinical Sciences of the Equine Athlete
Kenneth W. Hinchcliff, BVSc(Hons) MS PhD Diplomate ACVIM, Andris J. Kaneps, DVM MS PhD Diplomate ACVS, and Raymond J. Geor, BVSc MVSc PhD Diplomate ACVIM (Eds.)
Advanced Writing
Parviz Birjandi, PhD, Seyyed Mohammad Alavi, PhD, & Mohammad Ali Salmani-Nodoushan, PhD, 2004
Aging and Quality of Life (Springer Series on Lifestyles and Issues in Aging)
Ronald Abeles PhD, Helen Gift PhD, Marcia G. Ory PhDMPH, 1994
The Transdiagnostic Road Map to Case Formulation and Treatment Planning: Practical Guidance for Clinical Decision Making
Rochelle I. Frank PhD, Joan Davidson PhD, Jacqueline B. Persons PhD, 2014
Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy, Volume 3, The Dog and Cat, 2nd Edition
Stanley H. Done BA BVetMed PhD DECPHM DECVP FRCVS FRCPath, Peter C. Goody BSc MSc(Ed) PhD, Susan A. Evans MIScT AIMI MIAS, Neil C. Stickland BSc PhD DSc, 2009
Enabling Relationships in Health and Social Care. A Guide for Therapists
John Swain, BSC, PGCE, MSC, PhD, Jim Clark, MA, Cert Ed, Ad Dip Drama, Ad Dip Spec Ed, Sally French, BSc, MSc (Psych), MSc (Soc), MSCP Dip TP PhD, Karen Parry, BEd PhD,
Enabling Relationships in Health and Social Care. A Guide for Therapists
John Swain, BSC, PGCE, MSC, PhD, Jim Clark, MA, Cert Ed, Ad Dip Drama, Ad Dip Spec Ed, Sally French, BSc, MSc (Psych), MSc (Soc), MSCP Dip TP PhD, Karen Parry, BEd PhD,, 2004
Mc: Alpine's Multiple Sclerosis
Alastair Compston, PhD FRCP FMedSci, Christian Confavreux, MD, Hans Lassmann, MD, Ian McDonald, PhD FRCP FMedSci, David Miller, MD FRCP FRACP, John Noseworthy, MD FRCPC, Kenneth Smith, PhD,, 2006
Equine Respiratory Medicine and Surgery
Bruce C McGorum, BSc, BVM&S, PhD, CertEM, DipECEIM, MRCVS, Padraic M Dixon, MVB, PhD, MRCVS, N Edward Robinson, BVetMed, PhD, MRCVS,, 2007
Nonclinical Assessment of Abuse Potential for New Pharmaceuticals
Carrie Markgraf MDPhD, Thomas Hudzik PhD, David Compton PhDDABT, 2015
Muscle Biopsy: A Practical Approach
Victor Dubowitz MDPhDFRCPFRCPCH, Anders Oldfors MD PhD, Caroline A. Sewry BScPhDFRCPath, 2013
Clinically Oriented Anatomy
Keith L. Moore MScPhDHon. DScFIAC, Arthur F. Dalley II PhDFAAA, Anne M. R. Agur BSc (OT)MScPhD, 2017
Psychosocial Aspects of Disability: Insider Perspectives and Strategies for Counselors, Second Edition
Irmo Marini, PhD, CRC, CLCP / Noreen M. Graf, PhD, CRC / Michael J. Millington, PhD
Health Care System Transformation for Nursing and Health Care Leaders
Boykin, Anne PhD, MN,Schoenhofer, Savina PhD, MEd, MN, BSN,Valentine, Kathleen PhD, RN, MS
Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma
Demetrios Demetriades MD PhD FACS Kenji Inaba MD MSc FACS FRCSC & George Velmahos MD PhD FACS & Demetrios Demetriades MD PhD FACS & Kenji Inaba MD MSc FACS FRCSC
Charney & Nestler's Neurobiology of Mental Illness
Dennis S. Charney MD (editor), Eric J. Nestler MDPhD (editor), Pamela Sklar MDPhD (editor), Joseph D. Buxbaum PhD (editor), 2018
Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy, Volume 3, The Dog and Cat, 2e
Stanley H. Done BABVetMedPhDDECPHMDECVPFRCVSFRCPath, Peter C. Goody BScMSc(Ed)PhD, Susan A. Evans MIScT AIMI MIAS, Neil C. Stickland BScPhDDSc, 2009
Rodak's Hematology: Clinical Principles and Applications
Elaine M. Keohane PhDMLS(ASCP)SHCM, Catherine N. Otto PhDMBAMLS(ASCP)CMSHDLM, Jeanine M. Walenga PhDMLS(ASCP)HCM, 2019
Occupational Health Psychology: Work, Stress, and Health
Schonfeld PhD. MPH, Irvin Sam.; Cigularov, Konstantin., PhD; Chang, Chu-Hsiang., PhD, 2017
Occupational Health Psychology: Work, Stress, and Health
Schonfeld PhD. MPH, Irvin Sam.; Cigularov, Konstantin., PhD; Chang, Chu-Hsiang., PhD, 2017
Veterinary Reproduction & Obstetrics, 9e
David E. Noakes BVet MedPhDFRCVSDVRepDipECAR (editor), Timothy J. Parkinson BVScPhDDBRFRCVS (editor), Gary C. W. England BVetmedPhDFRCVSCertVADVRDVRepDiplomatACT (editor), 2009