کتاب های L. Tong

Time-Synchronized Control: Analysis and Design: Coordination of Time and State
Dongyu Li, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Tong Heng Lee, 2022
Building and Development Control Legislation in Hong Kong
Yee-hang Tong (Arthur)
Colloquial Cantonese: The Complete Course for Beginners (Book + Audio)
Gregory James, Keith S. T. Tong, 1994
Colloquial Cantonese: The Complete Course for Beginners (Book + Audio)
Dana Scott Bourgerie, Keith S T Tong, Gregory James, 2010
Governance of Picture Archiving and Communications Systems: Data Security and Quality Management of Filmless Radiology
Carrison K.S. Tong, Eric T.T. Wong, 2008
Energy Harvesting Properties of Electrospun Nanofiber Nonwovens
Tong Lin, Jian Fang, 2020
证券投资实务 (Practice of Portfolio Investment)
Xue Tong, 2013
Mechanical Design and Manufacturing of Electric Motors
Wei Tong, 2022
James Jeffrey Tong; Dr. Susan Richardson; Hon. Steve Baker, 2013
Large-Scale Group Decision-Making with Uncertain and Behavioral Considerations: Methods and Applications
Tong Wu, Xinwang Liu, 2023
China from Different Perspectives
Tong Chen, Min Wan, 2020
Kongish: Translanguaging and the Commodification of an Urban Dialect
Tong King Lee, 2022
Disorder Under Heaven: Collective Violence in the Ming Dynasty
James Tong, 1992
Comparative Studies on Pandemic Control Policies and the Resilience of Society
Simon X. B. Zhao, Kam Tong Chan, Selçuk Çolakoğlu, Qiaoyun Zhang, Bo Yan, 2023
Introduction to Policing Research: Taking Lessons from Practice
Mark Brunger; Stephen Tong; Denise Martin, 2015
Alternate Identities. The Chinese of Contemporary Thailand
Tong Chee Kiong; Chan Kwok Bun, 2001
Social Policy in Post-Industrial Singapore
Kwen Fee Lian; Chee-Kiong Tong, 2008