کتاب های L. V. Potapov (auth.)

Sustainable Development of the Lake Baikal Region: A Model Territory for the World
L. V. Potapov (auth.), 1996
Algebra y análisis de funciones elementales
Alexándrov, V.; Pasichenko, P.; Potápov, M., 1986
Measures of Noncompactness and Condensing Operators: OT`55 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Akhmerov, Kamenskii, Potapov, Rodkina, Sadovskii, 1992
Álgebra y Análisis de Funciones Elementales
M. Potápov - V. Alexándrov - P. Pasichenko, 1986
Stability of Stochastic Elastic and Viscoelastic Systems
V. D. Potapov, 1999
Reachability Problems: 10th International Workshop, RP 2016, Aalborg, Denmark, September 19-21, 2016, Proceedings
Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Igor Potapov, Jiří Srba (eds.), 2016
Artificial General Intelligence: 10th International Conference, AGI 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, August 15-18, 2017, Proceedings
Tom Everitt, Ben Goertzel, Alexey Potapov (eds.), 2017
Reachability Problems
Igor Potapov, Pierre-Alain Reynier, 2018
Química Orgánica
V.M. Potapov, 1983
Triad method in the theory of continuation of hermitian positive function
Kovalishina, I.V.; Potapov, V.P., 1989
Reachability Problems: 15th International Conference, RP 2021, Liverpool, UK, October 25–27, 2021, Proceedings
Paul C. Bell (editor), Patrick Totzke (editor), Igor Potapov (editor), 2021
Reachability Problems: 15th International Conference, RP 2021, Liverpool, UK, October 25–27, 2021, Proceedings
Paul C. Bell (editor), Patrick Totzke (editor), Igor Potapov (editor), 2021
Stability of Stochastic Elastic and Viscoelastic Systems
V. D. Potapov, 1999
The Gyrfalcon
Eugene Potapov; Richard Sale, 2010