کتاب های Lars Iyer (auth.)

The Biology of Lakes and Ponds (Biology of Habitats Series)
Christer Brönmark, Lars-Anders Hansson, 2017
Maják, inkák, aztékok
Bernd Schmelz, Lars Frühsorge, 2012
KALASK: The Reptilian Question
KALASK Reptilian, David Lauer, Lars Christensen (editor)
Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals: Understanding Digital Evidence from the Warrant to the Courtroom
Larry Daniel, Lars Daniel, 2011
Lars T. Lih, 2011
Exploring Textbooks and Cultural Change in Nordic Education 1536-2020
Merethe Roos (editor), Kjell Lars Berge (editor), Henrik Edgren (editor), Pirjo Hiidenmaa (editor), Christina Matthiesen (editor), 2021
The Sympathy of Things: Ruskin and the Ecology of Design
Lars Spuybroek, 2016
Taschenatlas Notfallmedizin
Hans Anton Adams, Andreas Flemming, Lars Friedrich, Heiner Ruschulte, 2011
Digital Filters Using MATLAB
Lars Wanhammar, Tapio Saramäki, 2020
Guinea-Bissau: A study of political mobilization
Lars Rudebeck, 1974
Postphenomenology and Architecture: Human Technology Relations in the Built Environment
Lars Botin, Inger Berling Hyams, 2021
Castles at War: The Danish Castle Research Association "Magt, Borg og Landskab" Interdisciplinary Symposium 2013
Rainer Atzbach, Lars Meldgaard Sass Jensen, Leif Plith Lauritsen (eds.), 2015
Playing 1.d4: The Queen's Gambit (Grandmaster Guide)
Lars Schandorff, 2012
Playing the Caro-Kann
Lars Schandorff, 2021
JavaScript from Beginner to Professional: Learn JavaScript quickly by building fun, interactive, and dynamic web apps, games, and pages
Laurence Lars Svekis, Maaike van Putten, Rob Percival, 2021
JavaScript from Beginner to Professional: Learn JavaScript quickly by building fun, interactive, and dynamic web apps, games, and pages
Laurence Lars Svekis, Maaike van Putten, Rob Percival, 2021
Postcolonial Europe
Lars Jensen, 2020
Principles of Social-Ecological Urbanism - Case Study: Albano Campus, Stockholm
Stephan Barthel, Johan Colding, Henrik Ernstson, Hanna Erixon, Sara Grahn, Carl Kärsten, Lars Hilding Marcus, Jonas Torsvall, 2013
The Oxford Handbook of Economic and Institutional Transparency
Jens Forssbaeck, Lars Oxelheim, 2014
A Brief History of Political Economy: Tales of Marx, Keynes and Hayek
Lars Magnusson, Bo Stråth, 2016