کتاب های Lars Olav Eik (eds.)

Operations Research Proceedings 2007: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) Saarbrücken, September 5–7, 2007
Christiane Barz (auth.), Dr. Jörg Kalcsics, Prof. Dr. Stefan Nickel (eds.), 2008
Operations Research Proceedings 2007: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) Saarbrücken, September 5–7, 2007
Christiane Barz (auth.), Dr. Jörg Kalcsics, Prof. Dr. Stefan Nickel (eds.), 2008
Parallel Architectures and Their Efficient Use: First Heinz Nixdorf Symposium Paderborn, Germany, November 11–13, 1992 Proceedings
Leslie G. Valiant (auth.), F. Meyer, B. Monien, A. L. Rosenberg (eds.), 1993
Pattern Detection and Discovery: ESF Exploratory Workshop London, UK, September 16–19, 2002 Proceedings
David J. Hand (auth.), David J. Hand, Niall M. Adams, Richard J. Bolton (eds.), 2002
Polynômes Orthogonaux et Applications: Proceedings of the Laguerre Symposium held at Bar-le-Duc, October 15–18, 1984
J. Dieudonné (auth.), Claude Brezinski, André Draux, Alphonse P. Magnus, Pascal Maroni, André Ronveaux (eds.), 1985
Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Archaeometry, 13th - 16th May 2008, Siena, Italy: Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Archaeometry, 13th - 16th May 2008, Siena, Italy
F. M. Alawneh, H. A. Béarat (auth.), Isabella Turbanti-Memmi (eds.), 2011
Public Key Infrastructure: 4th European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice, EuroPKI 2007, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 28-30, 2007. Proceedings
Ulrich Flegel, Michael Meier (auth.), Javier Lopez, Pierangela Samarati, Josep L. Ferrer (eds.), 2007
Public Key Infrastructure: 5th European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice, EuroPKI 2008 Trondheim, Norway, June 16-17, 2008 Proceedings
Peter Landrock (auth.), Stig F. Mjølsnes, Sjouke Mauw, Sokratis K. Katsikas (eds.), 2008
Public Key Infrastructure: Second European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications, EuroPKI 2005, Canterbury, UK, June 30 - July 1, 2005, Revised Selected Papers
Tobias Straub, Thilo-Alexander Ginkel, Johannes Buchmann (auth.), David Chadwick, Gansen Zhao (eds.), 2005
Public Key Infrastructure: Third European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice, EuroPKI 2006, Turin, Italy, June 19-20, 2006. Proceedings
Jon Ølnes, Leif Buene (auth.), Andrea S. Atzeni, Antonio Lioy (eds.), 2006
Pumps and Pipes: Proceedings of the Annual Conference
Mark G. Davies (auth.), Mark G. Davies, Alan B. Lumsden, William E. Kline, Ioannis Kakadiaris (eds.), 2011
Real-Time: Theory in Practice: REX Workshop Mook, The Netherlands, June 3–7, 1991 Proceedings
Martín Abadi, Leslie Lamport (auth.), J. W. de Bakker, C. Huizing, W. P. de Roever, G. Rozenberg (eds.), 1992
Recent Advances in AI Planning: 5th European Conference on Planning, ECP’99, Durham, UK, September 8-10, 1999. Proceedings
Fausto Giunchiglia, Paolo Traverso (auth.), Susanne Biundo, Maria Fox (eds.), 2000
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 12th European Conference, ECDL 2008, Aarhus, Denmark, September 14-19, 2008. Proceedings
George Buchanan, Jennifer Pearson (auth.), Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, Donatella Castelli, Bolette Ammitzbøll Jurik, Joan Lippincott (eds.), 2008
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 4th European Conference, ECDL 2000 Lisbon, Portugal, September 18–20, 2000 Proceedings
F. Muge, I. Granado, M. Mengucci, P. Pina, V. Ramos, N. Sirakov, J. R. Caldas Pinto (auth.), José Borbinha, Thomas Baker (eds.), 2000
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 5th European Conference, ECDL 2001 Darmstadt, Germany, September 4-9, 2001 Proceedings
Ruth Wilson, Monica Landoni (auth.), Panos Constantopoulos, Ingeborg T. Sølvberg (eds.), 2001
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 6th European Conference, ECDL 2002 Rome, Italy, September 16–18, 2002 Proceedings
S. Abiteboul, G. Cobéna, J. Masanes, G. Sedrati (auth.), Maristella Agosti, Costantino Thanos (eds.), 2002
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 7th European Conference, ECDL 2003 Trondheim, Norway, August 17-22, 2003 Proceedings
Houssem Assadi, Thomas Beauvisage, Catherine Lupovici, Thierry Cloarec (auth.), Traugott Koch, Ingeborg Torvik Sølvberg (eds.), 2003
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: First European Conference, ECDL'97 Pisa, Italy, September 1–3, 1997 Proceedings
Mark Stefik, Giuliana Lavendel (auth.), Carol Peters, Costantino Thanos (eds.), 1997
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Third European Conference, ECDL’99 Paris, France, September 22–24, 1999 Proceedings
Jean-François Abramatic (auth.), Serge Abiteboul, Anne-Marie Vercoustre (eds.), 1999
Security and Privacy in Dynamic Environments : Proceedings of the IFIP TC-11 21st International Information Security Conference (SEC 2006), 22-24 May 2006, ... Federation for Information Processing)
S. H. (Basie) von Solms (auth.), Kai Rannenberg, Vijay Varadharajan, Christian Weber (eds.), 2006
Security and Privacy – Silver Linings in the Cloud: 25th IFIP TC-11 International Information Security Conference, SEC 2010, Held as Part of WCC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, September 20-23, 2010. Proceedings
Ian Piumarta, Alessandro Warth (auth.), Robert Hirschfeld, Kim Rose (eds.), 2010
Sensors And Microsystems: Proceedings of the 12th Italian Conference, Napoli, Italy 12-14 Feburary 2007
Ozlem Durmaz Incel, Stefan Dulman, Pierre Jansen (auth.), Paul Havinga, Maria Lijding, Nirvana Meratnia, Maarten Wegdam (eds.), 2008
Smart Sensing and Context: First European Conference, EuroSSC 2006 Enschede, Netherlands, October 25-27, 2006 Proceedings
Alain Crevoisier, Cédric Bornand (auth.), Daniel Roggen, Clemens Lombriser, Gerhard Tröster, Gerd Kortuem, Paul Havinga (eds.), 2006