کتاب های Laura Tosi

Losing Freedom: Socialism and the Growing Threat to American Life, Liberty and Free Enterprise
Linden Blue; Laura Dee, 2020
My Revision Notes Edexcel AS History: The Triumph of Fascism in Italy, 1896-1943
Robin Bunce; Laura Gallagher, 2014
Ejes de desarrollo sostenido para la provincia de La Unión (Arequipa)
Gregorio Cusihuamán, Javier Alarcón, Néstor Aguirre, Denis Pilares, José Laura, Marcos Neira, 2018
Irish women in medicine, c.1880s–1920s
Laura Kelly, 2016
Measuring women's economic empowerment: Lessons from South America
Susana Martínez-Restrepo, Laura Ramos-Jaimes, (eds.), 2017
A Companion to Greek Lyric
Laura Swift, 2022
A Companion to Greek Lyric
Laura Swift, 2022
Amazonas: Ruta Milenaria IV. Amazónico: cuerpo, persona y lugar
Aldo Bolaños, (ed.); Roberto Pineda, Rommel Plasencia, Óscar de la Torre, Luciana Murari, Pablo Ibáñez, Juan Mogrovejo, Cristiana Barreto, Laura Pérez, Regina Polo, Fernanda Chocron, Sandro Adalberto, María Ataíde, Michael Heckenberger, Matías Méndez, Juan La Serna, Valeria Biffi, Angélica Motta, Arturo de la Torre, Michael Uzendoski, Paola Revilla, Ruby León, Nini Cortez, Pedro de Aguado, (auts.), 2019
Performativity in the Gallery: Staging Interactive Encounters (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts)
Outi Remes (editor), Laura MacCulloch (editor), Marika Leino (editor), 2014
Performing Trauma in Central Africa: Shadows of Empire
Laura Edmondson, 2018
Audiovisual Translation – Subtitles and Subtitling: Theory and Practice (New Trends in Translation Studies)
Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin (editor), Marie Biscio (editor), Máire Aine Ní Mhainnín (editor), 2011
The Path to Jazz Improvisation: More Than 30 Lessons for All Instrumentalists
Emile Cosmo, Laura De Cosmo, 2003
Las ilusiones de la igualdad: mestizaje, emancipación y multiculturalismo
Max-Sebastián Hering Torres; Laura Lema Silva; Georges Lomné, 2020
Tunisia's International Relations Since the 'Arab Spring': Transition Inside and Out
Tasnim Abderrahim; Laura-Theresa Kruger; Salma Besbes; Katharina McLarren, 2017
Child Poverty, Youth (Un)Employment, and Social Inclusion
Thomas Pogge; Amélia Bastos; Stefanos Papanastasiou; Christos Papatheodorou; Maria Petmesidou; Aldrie Henry-Lee; Alberto Minujín; Diego Born; María Laura Lombardía; Enrique Delamonica; Luis Garrido; Rodolfo Gutiérrez; Ana M. Guillén; Apostolos Dedoussopoulos; Eva Maria Papachristopoulou; Sofia Adam; Catherina Schenck; Phillip Blaauw; Jacoba Viljoen; I-Chie Fang, 2016
The Millennial Game Plan
Laura Shin, 2014
Must Know High School Algebra
Christopher Monahan, Laura Favata, 2022
Designing Technology, Work, Organizations and Vice Versa
Enrico Attila Bruni, Laura Lucia Parolin, Cornelius Schubert, 2016
The Objects That Remain
Laura Levitt, 2020
When Janey comes marching home portraits of women combat veterans
Sascha Pflaeging; Laura Browder, 2010
Quarterly Essay 71 on Modern Political Leaders
Laura Tingle, 2019
Des/ colonialidad y bien vivir. Un nuevo debate en América Latina
Aníbal Quijano, (ed.); Aníbal Quijano, Rita Laura Segato, César Germaná, Carolina Ortiz, Jaime Coronado, Pablo Quintero, Julio Mejía, (auts.), 2014