کتاب های Laurent Kott (eds.)

¿Qué es una buena película?
Laurent Jullier, 2002
La batalla del autismo: de la clínica a la política
Laurent, Ãric, 2013
Harnessing Digital Disruption: How Companies Win with Design Thinking, Agile, and Lean Startup
Pascal Dennis, Laurent Simon, 2020
Isis Pelagia: Images, Names and Cults of a Goddess of the Seas
Laurent Bricault, 2019
The Haitians: A Decolonial History
Jean Casimir; Laurent Dubois; Walter D. Mignolo, 2020
Do They Make a Difference? The Policy Influence of Radical Right Populist Parties in Western Europe
Benjamin Biard, Laurent Bernhard, Hans-Geort Betz, 2019
El perjuicio y el ideal : hacia una clínica social del trauma
Paul-Laurent Assoun, 2001
Geometrization of the local Langlands correspondence
Laurent Fargues ,Peter Scholze, 2021
Campesinos y señores en la Edad Media : siglos VIII-XV
Feller, Laurent, 2018
Psychoanalytical Notebooks: Formation of the Analyst
Véronique Voruz; Florencia Shanahan; Patricia Tassara; Bruno de Halleux; Laurent Dupont, 2020
La settima funzione del linguaggio
Laurent Binet, 2018
Le Sens moral. Une histoire de la philosophie morale de Locke à Kant
Laurent Jaffro, 2000
Elements of Chemistry by Lavoisier, Analytical Theory of Heat by Fourier, Experimental Researches in Electricity by Faraday
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier; Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier; Michael Faraday, 1952
Robespierre, reviens !
Alexis Corbière, Laurent Maffeïs, 2012
Erving Goffman et l'ordre de l'interaction
Daniel Cefaï ; Laurent Perreau, 2013
A Cultural History of Law in the Middle Ages
Emanuele Conte, Laurent Mayali, 2021
Les élites et la richesse au Haut Moyen Âge
Jean-Pierre Devroey, Laurent Feller, Régine Le Jan, 2010
Environnement : la concertation apprivoisée, contestée, dépassée ?
Mermet, Laurent; Salles, Denis, 2017
El hombre que quería ser feliz
Laurent Gounelle, 2009
Spazi pubblici e dimensione politica nella città romana: funzioni, strutture, utilizzazione
Carlotta Franceschelli (editor), Pier Luigi Dall'Aglio (editor), Laurent Lamoine (editor), 2017
Multifractal Volatility: Theory, Forecasting, and Pricing
Laurent E. Calvet, Adlai J. Fisher, 2008
Barbazo Mathématiques Spécialité terminales - Livre élève - Ed. 2020 (Mathématiques (Barbazo)) (French Edition)
Eric Barbazo, Jean-Baptiste Devynck, Dominique Grihon, Pierre Grihon, Benoît Lafargue, Philippe Le Poezeller, Sébastien Maimaran, Anne Malibert, Corinne Ondriozola, Florence Picart, Laurent Piccinini, Christophe Barnet, Sandrine Pollet, Catherine Racadot, Denis Roumilhac, Karine Sermanson, Chloé Ubéra, Martial Baheux, Nadine Billa, Aline Bouget, Michel Bourguet, Nadine Castagnos, Maïna Cigana, Amélie Daniel, 2020