کتاب های Lee Frank

Advances in Immunology, Vol. 59
Frank J. Dixon (Ed.), 1995
Advances in Immunology, Vol. 60
Frank J. Dixon (Eds.), 1995
Advances in Immunology, Vol. 64
Frank J. Dixon (Ed.), 1997
Advances in Immunology, Vol. 64
Frank J. Dixon (Ed.), 1997
Advances in Immunology, Vol. 69
Frank J. Dlxon (Ed.), 1998
Atlas of Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology
Frank H Netter, Craig, Perkins
Antibiotika in der Praxis mit Hygieneratschlägen
Professor Dr. med. Franz Daschner, Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Uwe Frank (auth.), 2004
Antibiotika in der Praxis mit Hygieneratschlagen, 8.Auflage
Uwe Frank, Franz Daschner, 2010
Vitamins and Coenzymes
Nathan P. Colowick, Nathan P. Kaplan, Frank Chytil, Donald B. McCormick, 1986
Frank Kreith
Artificial Neural Networks in Vehicular Pollution Modelling
Tom W B Kibble, Frank H Berkshire, 2006
Basic DNA and RNA Protocols
Frank Merante, Sandeep Raha, Juta K. Reed, Gerald Proteau (auth.), Adrian J. Harwood (eds.), 1996
Basic DNA and RNA Protocols
Frank Merante, Sandeep Raha, Juta K. Reed, Gerald Proteau (auth.), Adrian J. Harwood (eds.), 1996
Cell Migration: Signalling and Mechanisms (Translational Research in Biomedicine, Vol. 2)
Frank Entschladen, Kurt S. Zanker, 2009
Food Safety Culture: Creating a Behavior-Based Food Safety Management System
Frank Yiannas (auth.), 2009
Frank H. Miller, Stephen E. Rubesin, 2009
Bioinformatics for Glycobiology and Glycomics: An Introduction
Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth, Thomas Luetteke, Martin Frank, 2010
Bioinformatics for Glycobiology and Glycomics: An Introduction
Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth, Thomas Luetteke, Martin Frank, 2010
Data Mining Techniques for the Life Sciences
Oliviero Carugo, Frank Eisenhaber (eds.), 2016
Thomas Lütteke, Martin Frank (eds.), 2015
Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach
Mark S. Beasley, Frank A. Buckless, Steven M. Glover, Douglas F. Prawitt, 2015
Die moderne Finanzfunktion. Organisation, Strategie, Accounting und Controlling
Frank Keuper, Alexander Vocelka, Michael Häfner, 2008