کتاب های Lei Li (editor)

Complete Works
William Shakespeare; David Scott Kastan (editor); H. R. Woudhuysen (editor); Ann Thompson (editor); Richard Proudfoot (editor), 2021
The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea
Donald R. Rothwell (editor), Alex G. Oude Elferink (editor), Karen N. Scott (editor), Tim Stephens (editor), 2015
New perspectives on the development of communicative and related competence in foreign language education
Masanori Nagami (editor); Izumi Walker (editor); Daniel Kwang Guan Chan (editor); Claire Bourguignon (editor), 2018
Cultural forms of protest in Russia
Sanna Turoma (editor); Alexander Etkind (editor); Birgit Beumers (editor); Olga Gurova (editor), 2018
Persuasive Technology: 17th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2022, Virtual Event, March 29–31, 2022: Proceedings
Nilufar Baghaei (editor), Julita Vassileva (editor), Raian Ali (editor), Kiemute Oyibo (editor), 2022
Landscapes and Landmarks of Canada: Real, Imagined, (Re)Viewed
Maeve Conrick (editor), Munroe Eagles (editor), Jane Koustas (editor), Caitríona Ní Chasaide (editor), 2017
The Emerald Handbook of Feminism, Criminology and Social Change
Sandra Walklate (editor), Kate Fitz-Gibbon (editor), Jude McCulloch (editor), JaneMaree Maher (editor), 2020
Die Grenzen Des Prinzips: Die Infragestellung Von Werten Durch Regelverstosse in Antiken Gesellschaften (German Edition)
Julia Hoffmann-salz (editor), Karl-Joachim Holkeskamp (editor), Katharina Kostopoulos (editor), Simon Lentzsch (editor), 2019
Tsunamiites: Features and Implications
Tsunemasa Shiki (editor), Yoshinobu Tsuji (editor), Teiji Yamazaki (editor), Futoshi Nanayama (editor), 2020
The Handbook of Neuromodulation (2 Volume Set)
Pritam Majumdar (editor), Albert J. Fenoy (editor), Georgios Matis (editor), Sait Ozturk (editor), 2022
Racism and Human Development
Luciana Dutra-Thomé (editor), Dóris Firmino Rabelo (editor), Dandara Ramos (editor), Emanuelle Freitas Góes (editor), 2021
Doing Rebellious Research: In and Beyond the Academy
Pamela Burnard (editor), Elizabeth Mackinlay (editor), David Rousell (editor), Tatjana Dragovic (editor), 2022
Negotiating the Paris Agreement: The Insider Stories
Henrik Jepsen (editor), Magnus Lundgren (editor), Kai Monheim (editor), Hayley Walker (editor), 2021
Global Issues in the Teaching of Language, Literature and Linguistics (Mehrsprachigkeit in Europa / Multilingualism in Europe)
Francisco Javier Díaz-Pérez (editor), María Belén Díez-Bedmar (editor), Paula García-Ramírez (editor), Diego Rascón Moreno (editor), 2013
Devadattīyam: Johannes Bronkhorst Felicitation Volume (Welten Süd- und Zentralasiens / Worlds of South and Inner Asia / Mondes de l'Asie du Sud et de l'Asie centrale)
Francois Voegeli (editor), Vincent Eltschinger (editor), Danielle Feller (editor), Bogdan Diaconescu (editor), 2012
Postcolonial Nation and Narrative III: Literature & Cinema: Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and São Tomé e Príncipe (Reconfiguring Identities in the Portuguese-Speaking World)
Carmen Secco (editor), Ana Mafalda Leite (editor), Ellen Sapega (editor), Hilary Owen (editor), 2019
Organizing after Crisis: The Challenge of Learning (Action publique / Public Action)
Nathalie Schiffino (editor), Laurent Taskin (editor), Céline Donis (editor), Julien Raone (editor), 2015
Global Risks: Constructing World Order through Law, Politics and Economics (Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen / Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations)
Jana Hertwig (editor), Sylvia Maus (editor), Almut Meyer zu Schwabedissen (editor), Matthias Schuler (editor), 2010
Clinical Pharmacology
Morris J. Brown MA MSc FRCP FAHA FBPharmacolS FMedSci (editor), Pankaj Sharma MD PhD FRCP (editor), Fraz Mir MAFRCP (editor), Peter N. Bennett MD FRCP (editor), 2018
Post-socialist informalities : power, agency and the construction of extra-legalities from Bosnia to China
Jeremy Morris (editor); Abel Polese (editor); Borbála Kovács (editor); Lela Rekhviashvili (editor), 2019
The SAGES Manual of Quality, Outcomes and Patient Safety
John R. Romanelli (editor), Jonathan M. Dort (editor), Rebecca B. Kowalski (editor), Prashant Sinha (editor), 2022
The SAGES Manual of Quality, Outcomes and Patient Safety
John R. Romanelli (editor), Jonathan M. Dort (editor), Rebecca B. Kowalski (editor), Prashant Sinha (editor), 2022
Practical Transfusion Medicine
Michael F. Murphy (editor), David J. Roberts (editor), Mark H. Yazer (editor), Nancy M. Dunbar (editor), 2022
Big Data Analytics and Machine Intelligence in Biomedical and Health Informatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications (Advances in Intelligent and Scientific Computing)
Sunil Kumar Dhal (editor), Srinivas Prasad (editor), Sudhir Kumar Mohapatra (editor), Subhendu Kumar Pani (editor), 2022