کتاب های Liat Azar

Fundamentals of English Grammar Workbook, Second Edition
Betty Schrampfer Azar, Donald A. Azar, 1994
Operational Excellence: A Concise Guide to Basic Concepts and Their Application
Gilad Issar, Liat Ramati Navon (auth.), 2016
Theoretische Untersuchungen über die Einkommensverteilung: mit einer besonderen Betrachtung der Verhältnisse Niederländisch-Indiens
Dr. rer. pol. Djie Ting Liat (auth.), 1938
Disability Incarcerated: Imprisonment and Disability in the United States and Canada
Liat Ben-Moshe, 2014
Out of Water - Design Solutions for Arid Regions
Liat Margolis, 2014
Living Systems: Innovative Materials and Technologies for Landscape Architecture
Liat Margolis, 2007
Living Systems: Innovative Materials and technologies for Landscape Architecture
Liat Margolis, 2007
Cum ne educam copii 4-11 ani
Liat Hughes Joshi, 2012
Is it OK to Laugh about It? Holocaust Humour, Satire and Parody in Israeli Culture
Liat Steir-Livny, 2017
A Global Middle East: Mobility, Materiality and Culture in the Modern Age, 1880-1940
Liat Kozma; Cyrus Schayech; Avner Wishnitzer, 2015
Aquatic Chemistry: For Water and Wastewater Treatment Applications
Ori Lahav, Liat Birnhack, 2019
Teacher Education in a Reality of a World Crisis: The Narrative of a Faculty of Education in a Teacher Education College
Dorit Patkin, Liat Biberman-Shalev, Orit Broza, 2022
The Storm-God and the Sea: The Origin, Versions, and Diffusion of a Myth throughout the Ancient Near East
Noga(h) Ayali-Darshan; translated by Liat Keren, 2020
Hyperopia and Presbyopia
Kazuo Tsubota, Brian S. Boxer Wachler, Dimitri T. Azar, Douglas Koch, 2003
Basic English Grammar, Second Edition
Betty Schrampfer Azar, 1996
Understanding and use English grammar
Betty Schrampfer Azar, 2001
Fuzzy Systems
Ahmad Taher Azar, 2010
Color Atlas of Immunocytochemistry in Diagnostic Cytology P Ganjei Azar M Nadji
Parvin Ganjei-Azar, Mehrdad Nadji, 2006
Jakobic’s Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology
Daniel Albert, Joan W. Miller, Dimitri T. Azar, Barbara A. Blodi, 2008