کتاب های Liesbeth

Accountability of armed opposition groups in international law
Liesbeth Zegveld, 2002
Mehri Lexicon
Zack, Liesbeth; Schippers, Arie, 2006
Discourse Markers and Modal Particles: Categorization and Description
Liesbeth Degand (ed.), Bert Cornillie (ed.), Paola Pietrandrea (ed.), 2013
Aristotle and the philosophy of law : theory, practice and justice
Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer ... [et al.] (eds.)., 2013.
Clean Clothes: A Global Movement to End Sweatshops
Liesbeth Sluiter, 2009
Global Children, Global Media
Liesbeth de Block, 2007
Global Children, Global Media: Migration, Media and Childhood
Liesbeth de Block, 2007
Healers on the colonial market: Native doctors and midwives in the Dutch East Indies
Liesbeth Hesselink, 2011
New Germans, New Dutch: Literary Interventions (Palimpsest)
Liesbeth Minnaard, 2009
In Medias Res : Peter Sloterdijk's Spherological Poetics of Being
Noordegraaf-Eelens, Liesbeth, 2011
The Making and Un-Making of Neuronal Circuits in Drosophila
Liesbeth Zwarts, 2012
Contemporary Choreography: A Critical Reader
Jo Butterworth, Liesbeth Wildschut, 2009
Global Children, Global Media: Migration, Media and Childhood
Liesbeth de Block, David Buckingham (auth.), 2007
Behandelprotocol voor autonomieversterkende interventie
Marrie Bekker, Mary Ann van Helsdingen, Liesbeth Rutten, Brenda Kouwenhoven (auth.), 2016
Aristotle on Emotions in Law and Politics
Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer, Nuno M.M.S. Coelho, (eds.), 2018
EU Bioeconomy Economics And Policies: Volume II
Liesbeth Dries, Wim Heijman, Roel Jongeneel, Kai Purnhagen, Justus Wesseler, 2019
Governing the Rural in Interwar Europe
Liesbeth van de Grift; Amalia Ribi Forclaz, 2018
Shared Storytelling in Euripidean Stichomythia
Liesbeth Schuren, 2015
Participatory Design Theory: Using Technology and Social Media to Foster Civic Engagement
Oswald Devisch (editor), Liesbeth Huybrechts (editor), Roel De Ridder (editor), 2018
Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam: Highlights of the Collection
Marko Kassenaar, Liesbeth Heenk, 2017
Twin and Higher-order Pregnancies
Asma Khalil (editor), Liesbeth Lewi (editor), Enrico Lopriore (editor), 2021