کتاب های Linda L. Lien (auth.)

Progress in Drug Research/Fortschritte der Arzneimittelforschung/Progrès des recherches pharmaceutiques
Norman K. Hollenberg, Steven W. Graves, Robert B. McCall, William T. Jackson, Jerome H. Fleisch, M. Margaglione, E. Grandone, F. P. Mancini, G. Di Minno, N. Seiler, A. Hardy, J. P. Moulinoux, James Claghorn, Michael D. Lesem, Eric J. Lien, Arima Das, Linda L. Lien (auth.), Dr. Ernst Jucker (eds.), 1996
Revision Cognitive and Instructional Processes
Linda Allal, Lucile Chanquoy (auth.), Linda Allal, Lucile Chanquoy, Pierre Largy (eds.), 2004
Applications of Heuristics and Biases to Social Issues
Linda Heath, R. Scott Tindale (auth.), Linda Heath, R. Scott Tindale, John Edwards, Emil J. Posavac, Fred B. Bryant, Eaaron Henderson-King, Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, Judith Myers (eds.), 1994
From Disaster Response to Risk Management: Australia's National Drought Policy
Linda Courtenay Botterill, Donald A Wilhite (auth.), Linda Courtenay Botterill, Donald A. Wilhite (eds.), 2005
Color Atlas of Fetal and Neonatal Histology
Linda M. Ernst MD, MHS (auth.), Linda M. Ernst, Eduardo D. Ruchelli, Dale S. Huff (eds.), 2011
Molecular Biophysics for the Life Sciences
Norma M. Allewell, Linda O. Narhi (auth.), Norma Allewell, Linda O. Narhi, Ivan Rayment (eds.), 2013
Applications of Family and Group Theraplay
Evangeline Munns, Nancy Atkinson, Carol Bettendorf, Maria Boada, Terra Bovingdon, Karen Doyle Buckwalter, Lisbeth DiPasquale, Shirley Eyles, Karen Fabian, Annette L. Finlay, Ulrike Franke, Brijin Gardner, Paris Goodyear-Brown, Minna Laakso, Sandra Lindaman, Dafna Lender, Anita Johanson Maddox, Linda Meyer, Jessica Mroz Miller, Catherine Munns, Linda Perry, 2009
A Verray Parfit Praktisour: Essays Presented to Carole Rawcliffe
Linda Clark, Elizabeth Danbury, Linda Clark, Elizabeth Danbury, 2017
Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture
Linda Null [Null, Linda], 2018
Understanding Pharmacology - E-Book
M. Linda Workman & Linda A. LaCharity
Le guide des médicaments
Linda Skidmore-Roth; Julie Méthot; Nancy Légaré; Linda Skidmore-Roth, 2016
Probiotic Diary Products
Tamime, A. Y.,Thomas, Linda V.; Linda V. Thomas, 2017
Umetnost renesanse (1975)
Peter Murray, Linda Murray,Piter Mari, Linda Mari, 1975
ISE EBook for Computing Essentials 2023
O'Leary, Timothy;O'Leary, Linda;O'Leary, Daniel;; Timothy J. O’Leary; Linda I. O’Leary, 2022
Great British Bake Off
Linda Collister [Collister, Linda], 2012
Addiction Medicine: Science and Practice
H. Westley Clark, Linda Hutchings (auth.), Bankole A. Johnson (eds.), 2011
Bayesian Networks in Educational Assessment
Russell G. Almond, Robert J. Mislevy, Linda S. Steinberg, Duanli Yan, David M. Williamson (auth.), 2015
Complex Dynamics in Physiological Systems: From Heart to Brain
Louis M. Pecora, Linda Moniz, Jonathan Nichols, Thomas L. Carroll (auth.), Syamal K. Dana, Prodyot K. Roy, Jürgen Kurths (eds.), 2009
Complex Dynamics in Physiological Systems: From Heart to Brain
Louis M. Pecora, Linda Moniz, Jonathan Nichols, Thomas L. Carroll (auth.), Syamal K. Dana, Prodyot K. Roy, Jürgen Kurths (eds.), 2009
Immunobiology and Prophylaxis of Human Herpesvirus Infections
Niza Frenkel, Ehud Roffman, Eric C. Schirmer, George Katsafanas, Linda S. Wyatt (auth.), Carlos Lopez, Ryoichi Mori, Bernard Roizman, Richard J. Whitley (eds.), 1990
African Women’s Unique Vulnerabilities to HIV/AIDS: Communication Perspectives and Promises
Linda K. Fuller (auth.), 2008
Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics: Volume IV
Linda A. Clark, William S. Cleveland, Lorraine Denby, Chuanhai Liu (auth.), Constantine Gatsonis, Robert E. Kass, Bradley Carlin, Alicia Carriquiry, Andrew Gelman, Isabella Verdinelli, Mike West (eds.), 1999
Preparing Principals for a Changing World: Lessons from Effective School Leadership Programs
Linda Darling?Hammond, Debra Meyerson, Michelle LaPointe, Margaret Terry Orr, Margaret Barber, Carol Cohen, Kimberly Dailey, Stephen Davis, Joseph Flessa, Joseph Murphy, Raymond Pecheone, Naida Tushnet(auth.), 2009
A History of American Literature: 1950 to the Present
Linda Wagner?Martin(auth.), Alfred Bendixen, Richard Gray(eds.), 2012