کتاب های Linus Pauling

Why animals don't get heart attacks -- but people do! (4th Revised Edition 2003)
Mathias Rath MD, Linus Pauling PhD, 2003
5th edition 2015 - Why Animals don't get heart attacks but people do - Eradication of heart disease with Vitamin C, Lysine, Proline, etc
Matthias Rath MD, Linus Pauling PhD, 2015
Clinical Nutrients in Cancer Therapy : A scientific review and perspective
Matthias Rath MD, Linus Pauling PhD, A Niedzwiecki, S Netke, V Ivanov, MW Roomi, T Kalinovsky, 2021
The Proof - Orthomolecular Medicine - Successes with cellular nutrients confirm vitamin research findings
Mathias Rath MD, Linus Pauling PhD, 2012
Zuko - The Veggie Wizard (Children book) - Orthomolecular Vitamins
Matthias Rath MD, Linus Pauling PhD, Mirja Holtrop, 2021
Roadmap to Health (Orthomolecular Medicine Vitamins Nutrition) - the Termination of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business
Matthias Rath MD, Linus Pauling PhD, 2010
End AIDS (Orthomolecular Medicine Vitamins Nutrition) - Break the chains of Pharmaceutical Colonialism
Mathias Rath MD, Linus Pauling PhD, 2020
The Secret of Cells : Secret of You (Orthomolecular Medicine Vitamins Nutrition) - African Version
Mathias Rath MD, Linus Pauling PhD, Mirja Holtrop, 2020
The Secret of Cells : Secret of You (Orthomolecular Medicine Vitamins Nutrition) - European Version
Mathias Rath MD, Linus Pauling PhD, Mirja Holtrop, 2020
Niacin (Vitamin B3) and Depression: How Megadosing On Vitamin B3 ( Niacin ) Saved My Life
KARL GESSLEIN, Abram Hoffer MD PhD, Andrew Saul PhD, Linus Pauling, Niacin, 2022
A Lifelong Quest for Peace and Vitamin C : A dialogue of Linus Pauling and Daisaku Ikeda
Linus Pauling, Daisaku Ikeda, Richard L Gage, 2000
The vitamin conspiracy ( a mistaken smear piece on Orthomolecular Medicine, but provides important historical perspective)
John J Fried, Linus Pauling, Abram Hoffer, 1975
Linus Pauling: A Life In Science And Politics and Vitamin C (Orthomolecular Medicine)
Ted Goertzel, Ben Goertzel, Linus Pauling, 1995
Vitamin C - Healing Factor Vitamin C Against Disease
Irwin Stone, Linus Pauling, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 2022
Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins (Newly revised , includes Vitamin C Supplementation Breakthrough)
Thomas E. Levy MD JD , Linus Pauling, 2022
Orthomolecular Medicine: A History of the Treatment of Disease Using Individualized Nutrition (Vitamin C, B3 Niacin, etc)
Margot DesBois, Abram Hoffer, Linus Pauling, Kenneth Emonds, 2019
William Kaufman Arthritis and Vitamin B3 Niacin Niacinamide - The Common Form of Joint Dysfunction: Arthritis and Its Incidence and Treatment with High Dose Vitamin B3 Niacin Niacinamide
William Kaufman MD, Andrew Saul, Linus Pauling, Abram Hoffer, 1949
Vitamin C : How To Make Liposomal Vitamin C At Home
Cheryl Hines, Linus Pauling , Andrew Saul, Abram Hoffer, 2022
Super Fitness Beyond Vitamins (The Bible of Super Supplements) - Super Supplement Bible : how to use the new nutrients - plus vitamins and minerals - to achieve a lifetime of health and peak performance - Orthomolecular Medicine
Michael E Rosenbaum MD, Dominick Bosco, Linus Pauling PhD, Abram Hoffer MD PhD, Andrew Saul PhD, 2022
Solving the Puzzle of Chronic Fatigue (Orthomolecular Medicine)
Michael E. Rosenbaum MD, Murray Susser, Jay Goldstein MD, Linus Pauling PhD, Abram Hoffer MD PhD, 1991
Vitamin C : Brooks Bradley Homemade Liposomal VItamin C method
Cheryl Hines, Linus Pauling , Andrew Saul, Abram Hoffer , Brooks Bradley, 2022
Orthomolecular Medicine for Physicians (Keats/Pivot Health Book) - A Survey , introduction, textbook on Orthomolecular Medicine
Abram Hoffer, Linus Pauling, 2022
Earl Mindell Bottom Line's Prescription Alternatives
Earl L. Mindell, Virginia Hopkins, Abram Hoffer, Linus Pauling, 2003