کتاب های Lois West (editor)

Epistemic Dilemmas: New Arguments, New Angles
Kevin McCain (editor), Scott Stapleford (editor), Matthias Steup (editor), 2021
Japanese Business Operations in an Uncertain World
Anshuman Khare (editor), Nobutaka Odake (editor), Hiroki Ishikura (editor), 2021
Ethical Research: The Declaration of Helsinki, and the Past, Present, and Future of Human Experimentation
Ulf Schmidt (editor), Andreas Frewer (editor), Dominique Sprumont (editor), 2020
Scaling-up Solutions for Farmers: Technology, Partnerships and Convergence
Suhas P. Wani (editor), K.V. Raju (editor), Tapas Bhattacharyya (editor), 2021
Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology: Selected Papers from ICITED 2021
Anabela Mesquita (editor), António Abreu (editor), João Vidal Carvalho (editor), 2021
Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion
Lara Buchak (editor), Dean W. Zimmerman (editor), Philip Swenson (editor), 2019
Intra-Public Intellectualism: Critical Qualitative Inquiry in the Academy (Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Ethics, Justice, and Activism, 5)
Timothy C. Wells (editor), David Lee Carlson (editor), Mirka Koro (editor), 2020
Troubling Traditions: Canonicity, Theatre, and Performance in the US
Lindsey Mantoan (editor), Matthew Moore (editor), Angela Farr Schiller (editor), 2022
Perfektionismus der Autonomie
Douglas Moggach; Nadine Mooren; Michael Quante; Michael Quante (editor); Nadine Mooren (editor); Douglas Moggach (editor), 2020
Sankofa: African American Perspectives on Race and Culture in US Doctoral Education
Pamela Felder Small (editor), Marco J. Barker (editor), Marybeth Gasman (editor), 2020
Revolving Around India(s): Alternative Images, Emerging Perspectives
Juan Ignacio Oliva-Cruz (editor), Antonia Navarro-Tejero (editor), Jorge Diego Sánchez (editor), 2020
Neurobiology of Personality Disorders
Christian Schmahl (editor), K. Luan Phan (editor), Robert O. Friedel (editor), 2018
Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention
Thorsten Bonacker (editor), Werner Distler (editor), Maria Ketzmerick (editor), 2017
Dramaturgies of Interweaving
Erika Fischer-Lichte (editor), Christel Weiler (editor), Torsten Jost (editor), 2022
MDATA: A New Knowledge Representation Model: Theory, Methods and Applications
Yan Jia (editor), Zhaoquan Gu (editor), Aiping Li (editor), 2021
Smart Healthcare Monitoring Using IoT with 5G: Challenges, Directions, and Future Predictions (Internet of Everything (IoE))
Meenu Gupta (editor), Gopal Chaudhary (editor), Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque (editor), 2021
Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems for e-Healthcare Applications
Amit Kumar Tyagi (editor), Ajith Abraham (editor), Arturas Kaklauskas (editor), 2021
Sustainable Intelligent Systems (Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology)
Amit Joshi (editor), Atulya K. Nagar (editor), Gabriela Marín-Raventós (editor), 2021
Research handbook on international law and cities
Miha Marcenko (editor); Janne Elisabeth Nijman (editor); Helmut Philipp Aust (editor), 2021
Advances in Integrations of Intelligent Methods: Post-workshop volume of the 8th International Workshop CIMA 2018, Volos, Greece, November 2018
Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis (editor), Isidoros Perikos (editor), Foteini Grivokostopoulou (editor), 2020
The Transformation of Psychology: Influences of 19th Century Philosophy, Technology, and Nature Science
Christopher D. Green (editor), Marlene Shore (editor), Thomas Teo (editor), 2001
Predicting Future Oceans: Sustainability of Ocean and Human Systems Amidst Global Environmental Change
William Cheung (editor), Yoshitaka Ota (editor), Andres Cisneros-Montemayor (editor), 2019
Morphology: Questions on Method and Language
Maria Filomena Molder (editor), Diana Soeiro (editor), Nuno Fonseca (editor), 2013
Water Resources of Pakistan: Issues and Impacts (World Water Resources, 9)
Muhammad Arif Watto (editor), Michael Mitchell (editor), Safdar Bashir (editor), 2021