کتاب های Lori Dennis

The Civilized Organization: Norbert Elias and the Future of Organization Studies (Advances in Organization Studies)
Ad Van Iterson, Willem Mastenbroek, Tim Newton, Dennis Smith, 2003
Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino
Andrew K. Dennis, 2013
Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino
Andrew K. Dennis, 2013
Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino
Andrew K. Dennis, 2013
Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino
Andrew K. Dennis, 2015
Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino
Andrew K. Dennis, 2015
2000 years of Mayan literature
Tedlock, Dennis, 2000
Nine days in heaven : a true story
Dennis Prince; Nolene Prince; Marietta Davis, 2011
Word and Image in Japanese Cinema
Dennis Washburn, Carole Cavanaugh, 2000
Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer, 2011
Introduction to research methods in psychology
Dennis Howitt; Duncan Cramer, 2007
Introduction to research methods in psychology
Dennis Howitt; Duncan Cramer, 2008
Introduction to research methods in psychology
Dennis Howitt; Duncan Cramer, 2011
Introduction to SPSS statistics in psychology : for version 19 and earlier
Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer., 2011
Introduction to Statistics in Psychology
Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer, 2011
Introduction to statistics in psychology
Dennis Howitt; Duncan Cramer, 2007
Introduction to Statistics in Psychology, 5th Edition
Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer, 2011
Introduction to Statistics in Psychology, 5th Edition
Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer, 2011
The Sage dictionary of statistics : a practical resource for students in the social sciences
Duncan Cramer; Dennis Howitt, 2004
The SAGE Dictionary of Statistics: A Practical Resource for Students in the Social Sciences
Dr Duncan Cramer, Dr Dennis Laurence Howitt, 2004
The SAGE Dictionary of Statistics: A Practical Resource for Students in the Social Sciences
Duncan Cramer, Dennis Laurence Howitt, 2004