کتاب های Lou Turner

ওটোকারের রাজদণ্ড (King Ottokar's Sceptre)
Hergé; MichaelTurner; Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper, 1997
চাঁদে টিনটিন (Explorers on the Moon)
Hergé; Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper; MichaelTurner, 2002
চন্দ্রলোকে অভিযান (Destination Moon)
Hergé; Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper; MichaelTurner, 1976
ফ্লাইট ৭১৪ গন্তব্য সিডনি (Flight 714 to Sydney)
Hergé; Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper; MichaelTurner
Boom and Bust: A Global History of Financial Bubbles
William Quinn, John D. Turner, 2020
What to Watch When: 1,000 TV Shows for Every Mood and Moment
Christian Blauvelt, Laura Buller, Stacey Grant, Mark Morris, Eddie Robson, Andrew Frisicano, Maggie Serota, Drew Toal, Matthew Turner, Laurie Ulster, 2020
Sky Shamans of Mongolia: Meetings with Remarkable Healers
Kevin B. Turner, 2016
The Science of James Smithson: Discoveries from the Smithsonian Founder
Steven Turner, 2020
Faces of Power: Imperial Portraiture on Roman Coins
Peter Brennan, Michael Turner, Nicholas L. Wright, 2007
The Story of The Cyprus Government Railway
B. S. Turner, 1979
Locating Television: Zones of Consumption
Anna Cristina Pertierra; Graeme Turner
Guia De Meditacion
Turner Lorraine, 2007
The Typology of the Early Codex
Eric Gardiner Turner, 1977
Ethnogenèse et nationalisme en Afrique centrale : aux racines de Patrice Lumumba
Thomas Turner, 2000
The ninth State : New Hampshire's formative years
Lynn Warren Turner, 1983
The Actuality of Sacrifice: Past and Present
Alberdina Houtman, Marcel Poorthuis, Joshua Schwartz, Yossi Turner, 2014
The Forest of Symbols: Aspects of Ndembu Ritual
Victor Turner, 1982
The Psychopath: A True Story
Mary Turner Thomson, 2021
From Ritual to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of Play
Victor Turner, 1987
Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services
Marion Potschin (editor), Roy Haines-Young (editor), Robert Fish (editor), R. Kerry Turner (editor), 2016
Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Environmental Management Coursebook (Cambridge International IGCSE)
Gary Skinner, Ken Crafer, Melissa Turner, Ann Skinner, John Stacey, 2017
Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level Environmental Management Workbook (Cambridge International IGCSE)
Gary Skinner, Ken Crafer, Melissa Turner, Ann Skinner, 2017
The Frontier in American History
Frederick Jackson Turner